Sunday, February 16, 2020

Starting small to becoming something big

I am blessed with a big family.
So big that my great nieces and nephews are just as important
to me as my first generation ones are.
Today I want to brag on the great nephew on the
left of this photo.
This is Hugh John Plaisance,
My sister, Veronica's grandson, My niece Rebecca and
her hubby, Mikie's first born,
Older brother to Lucy, Owen, and Ellen.
Today he is my spotlight guest on the blog.
Not just for the awards he recently won at
a competition for his college, Nicholl's State University.
Also because of how he started his life.
My niece, his Mom, Rebecca had a hard pregnancy 
with this child from the minute she found out she
was pregnant. No details are needed here, just
know it was a hard pregnancy.
When she went into labor way too early,
I think at 27 weeks, we all gathered at the hospital.
I can remember it like yesterday.
We gathered for my sister and hubby,
we gathered for her in-laws but mostly 
we gathered to each silently pray for a miracle.
When you know a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks
and here is a little Momma threatening to deliver
at a little more than half that time, you pray... big...
For a few days on bedrest in hospital and meds,
they were able to hold off his delivery for a few days
but then came the day that nothing was going to stop his
birth. Where all our thoughts were at the time, we have
not all shared but I know I was there to support my sister 
and brother in law and my niece and nephew in case 
this child would be lost to them.
The labor began and the doctors and nurses began
to prepare us all. "He will be small" he said.
"He will not cry" she said,
"If he makes the delivery, he will probably be on life support"
they told us. 
we were prepared mentally, yet all our hearts were wearing our sleeves.
It became very real to me as my sister came out her
own daughters delivery room crying and reminding us
"I know we are all worried about this little baby, but that
is my baby in there who is about to become a Mother 
and suffering" Having my own children, I could understand
my sister's pain. We all stood around the
delivery room when we knew that baby boy was
coming, we could hear doctors, nurses, we never heard
my niece make a sound nor her husband who was probably 
whispering in her ear, "We got this"
It got very quiet at one point, quiet for those standing
around the door, quiet in the delivery room and after a few
minutes we all heard it, the small soft cry.....
of an under 2 pound baby boy. 
We all joined that cry. 
What transpired from that time to the age he is now
is one that could be written into a book.
He fought to live in the NICU,
my niece made the hospital hotel her home.
her Hubby joined her most days when not at work.
It was touch and go for days.
My niece would visit, touch him, cuddle him, read to him,
play classic music, whisper and sing to him.
He did not just survive he flourished.
Throughout his life, he has had some tough issues he
had to overcome yet he could not have been born to better 
parents. They, both being very smart, did and learned all
they could about premature babies. 
If you looked up patience in the dictionary, you might
just see their names there. 
this child has always been a super smart one when it came
to common sense and understanding things that
most children his age just would not understand.
I always use the story about when I visited him
at Christmas time when he was under three.
We were playing with his family nativity set
and i wrongly called one of the statues a Wise Man.
"Aunt Lil, he is not a Wise Man, do you see him
carrying any gifts, do you see any Frankincense, gold, or Myrrh?"
Yes, this two year old knew more about wise men than
his aunt Lil. In his early years, we had a close bond and
I would like to think, even if I rarely see him now
that he is a young adult, he still feels that bond as I do.
Yesterday as I sat at 4 am to check out what is going on in my
world via facebook, I come across the photo of my
nephew all grown up, making his way into the journalism part
of his college, having won not only an award with his
peers for the work they have done for their college newspaper,
4th place in Best College News Magazine,
where Hugh is the managing Editor 
but bringing home his own personal award,
third place for his Op-Ed writing!
how proud we all are of him is an understatement.
For those that worked hard for him throughout these years,
his parents, himself, I applaud you all.
In my eyes this child is a miracle. So many warned
us of just how much he may never gain for his early birth,
he has proved them all wrong. Partly, I believe because
everyone who has loved him refused to not only label him
this way but didn't tell him what was expected.
He was always told he could achieve anything he wanted.
He has not always worked to his full potential in the eyes of
others but I know that he has always worked
up to what was important to him. He has made his own timeline.
This young man, who his Aunt Lil has trouble seeing him 
all grown instead of that little baby that fit in the palm of
his Daddy's hand,
is going places. In his own time he will make a difference in 
this world. I hope when he looks back on his life,
he remembers auntie Lil who has been in his "village" 
since the day we knew he was coming.
I love you, Hughbee and am so very proud of not
only these awards but all you possess inside that 
tall, lovely frame of yours.
Keep on writing and show the world the other side of
the norm, continue to pass on your knowledge to the World
just as you did at two when you taught me
the difference between a Shepard and a Wise Man.


grannyron7 said...
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grannyron7 said...

With tears flowing down my cheek, I thank you, Lil, for this blog! Almost 22 years ago the doctors were all wrong about this young man and Hugh has proved them wrong! I still remember his birth and his 105 days in the NICU at Oschner Hospital like it was yesterday. There were times when extra prays were said because of some set backs but Hugh and his parents refuse to give up! So proud of our family and the in-laws but super proud of our youngest daughter, Rebecca, and her husband, Mikie, for being the kind of parents any child could want. I love my grandchildren and great grandchildren but I don't think any of them would be disappointed by me giving Hugh a little extra attention. As for Hugh John Plaisance, proud would be an understatement of how I feel about you! Love you a bunch and hope the rest of your life is as special as you are to all of us! 😘💕😍


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...