Friday, January 31, 2020


Yesterday I was able to attend 
St. John School to celebrate 
National Catholic Schools Week 
with the three grandgirls. Jemma surprised us
as usually the PreK students don't come to mass.
It was a beautiful mass as we sang, held hands
and enjoyed the history of this beautiful denomination 
called Catholic. 
I believe we all pray to the same God, I believe no matter 
what church, denomination, or even if you attend no such mass,
we all will get to Heaven one day.
This being said, I have always loved the history and
the beauty of the Catholic mass.
I do not attend regularly as I so want to, but when I do,
I always feel so good inside.
To be able to share these school masses with the grandgirls
is an added blessing. The two youngest do not yet understand
the sacrifice a family must make to send their children there.
Yet, I believe Jilly gets it.
The other day, she came to my Cottage after school and
as she began her homework she exclaimed,
"Oh Mumsie! Look at this Thank You Card I made for
Mommy and Daddy!"
As I began to read it, I felt a tad teary-eyed.
I asked if the teacher told them what to write or draw.
"Nope, we did it all ourselves."
I continued to read:
"... I love you all so much, thank you for sending me
to a Catholic school like St. John. I know you work hard 
to pay to send me here..."
Not exact words but the same affect. 
she understands that this is not something she is guaranteed
but something that her family must budget and pay for.

Every time I enter St. Clement church which is the small
chapel connected to their school grounds I feel a peace
around me. As I await the grandgirls to come and sit with me
I say prayers of thanks, so much to be thankful for.
As we listen to Father Greg, Jilly asks,
"Can you rub my angel wings?"
Yes, it may be silly but I have told each of the girls at
different times while sitting in this very church
that their back shoulder bone is, I believe,
where their angel wings were before they were born.
It makes me happy to think they will remember this
and maybe one day share with their own babies.
Thank You, St. John School for all you 
do for the children in our little towns,
for how most of you teachers, office personnel,
principal and well, all of the staff know who the
children are, their families, making them feel like
they are special to you all, not just a number.
Thanks for being a part of their village and
teaching them how God works in their lives daily.
Last but not least,
Thanks to my son and daughter in law,
who works hard to give our girls the very best advantage 
for a wonderful future and a love for God
like no other.

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