Saturday, January 11, 2020

Highschool and Marlene Williams

I met at hobby lobby one of my favorite teachers, Marlene Williams. 
She had so much to do with my writing and my love for words and English. 
I always loved to read but she inspired something in me that no one else 
had ever brought out. I told her that today.
 I told her how because of what she taught
and how she did so, words are now so significant to me.
 I am writing a book partly because of her and I hope 
when I finish it, I can give her a copy signed, 
one that she will know she played a part in my "village".
What did she teach me? To think of the English language as an art 
not just words on a paper. To read not only what the page says
but to have an enquiring mind, to go beyond the words,
to think of what the author was portraying. 
The book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee
was one she had us read. It has become one of my all time favorites
and I do believe I have read it 20 times.
After we read the book, talking about it every day for a few
weeks, she had us do a project on the book.
I can remember it being my first time at trying a miniature
diorama. With the help of my Dad, we made two homes,
with a fence in the middle. One was Scout's the other her 
neighbor that everyone feared.
It was real to me, I took the details of Scout's words
and put it into that diorama. Down to the tree swing in her yard.
I was so proud of it but a tad embarrassed to bring to school.
Peer pressure was still a thing in the 80's and I 
was embarrassed that they would laugh at it.
But I knew it was good, I felt the confidence in my project.
I brought it to school and what happened?
 She doted on it! Awed over it
and studied it in detail bringing out all the little features.
I also noticed she did not
just do this for my project, but all my peers.
I made an A.
 I now not only love and collect miniatures
but I build them and dollhouses.
 I have a feeling she did not know that either. 
How I looked forward to that hour class with her
and when I was able to have her a second year for
Literature I was so excited about it.
It was not just how she taught but how she 
didn't sweat the small stuff.
She laughed with us and also laughed at herself
when she made a mistake. She made us aware when
she was wrong,  teaching me that its okay to say
you made a mistake.
I felt that if an adult could do that, so could I
and I have. I keep a light spirited part of me alive
all the time. I play with the grandgirls, talk a lot
to my friends and family. Marlene was just a wonderful
all around wonderful person who loved teaching and 
loved her family. When she spoke of her boys
she not only lit up but could be heard saying.
"Oh my sweet little boys"
or other sweet things about her babies who were now in
high school like I was.
When talking to her at HL I was just so excited,
to share with her sweet grandson just how special she was
to me. I can see she was humbled. 
 She’s at hobby lobby with that grandson
 buying paint to paint a portrait of her first great grandchild. 
She is now entering my zone, painting. 
She was buying paints and showed me the picture 
of the beautiful child she was going to try and paint. 
I told her you’re not going to try, you will.
 It’s what she used to tell me when I was 16 years old.
 We exchange phone numbers as now she will send me her progress
 and I will encourage her to finish.
She is just as beautiful as she ever was and, although
maybe a tad embarrassed by my gloating,
she is smiling and truly shocked of what I am sharing
with them.
Because she follows me on Facebook
and I now have her number, yesterday I ask permission
to blog about my experience not only meeting her
but what she did for me so long ago. 
She texts back that she does not want to seem arrogant
but she also really is in shock that she made such an impact on me.
She asks to read my blogs and I give her the link.
Hours later I get a message from her:
"Just read your blogs. Loved everyone!
you have an "eye" for writing-
the details, the emotions you capture,
the sweetness for life..."
Now it is my turn to be humbled.
 To have one of your favorite teachers
 who inspired your writing say such nice things
about your work, well now I know how she felt at
Hobby Lobby. 
We will stay in touch. I have loved and thought of this
woman so many times in my life.
 I still aspire to be half of the mentor
 to someone as she was to me.
 I also pray that my grand girls will be blessed with such a teacher
 that they will feel a spark when they see that teachers somewhere as an adult.
 Maybe I will be that spark in them 
or their mom. dad, maw- maw. actually anybody
and everybody who is in their life, all of us, 
the whole village that helps in rearing them.
The way I did when I took what I needed 
from the classes of Marlene Williams.
 She may not be someone I see every day
 but she will always be someone, when I see her, I will approach.
 It was a good day!

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