Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Becoming a Minimalist

I live comfortable,
pay my bills on time, etc.
However, lately I have began to think
of how many things in my life that I could 
do without. Then I have watched a few videos
of others who are doing a 2020 Minimal year.
It seems like such a cool challenge and although
I have always been known to never live above my means,
I don't care about what I drive as long as it is dependable
and get me from point A to point B.
I am not a big jewelry person and have had the same purse
for three years. Although I buy clothing I like,
it is usually from Walmart or Stage. 
I guess what I am trying to say is even though
I can be called cheap.... no lets use frugal,
there are still things I can save on.
After watching a you tube video on ideas
for the year of Minimalism, even I have come up with 
many things I can change in my life to save.
I keep adding to the list in my head and
it has actually become like a game.
Here are a few things I have began or will begin.
1) Keep tract of where every penny goes.
 I started an old fashioned ledger as how many 
times I have cash in my wallet and next thing I know
it is empty and I can't tell you where it went.
Saving and documenting every receipt, charge I make.
2) Will begin ordering most groceries via Amazon.
It is a thing they do, you shop on their site and they sent
it to you for a great price, you can earn money as well shopping
there. If I don't put myself in Walmart, I won't have a basket
full of things I don't need and it is free shipping delivered
straight to your door.
3) Magazines and books.
I am crazy for these two things. I cannot go into a Barnes without
buying my favorite magazines and a few books.
Having a true library in my home proves I love these things.
Yet, when I get them home, I have found I normally don't really
look at them thoroughly. I can find most these same books and
mags. for free on their own site or the library app called LIBBY.
4) Gas prices.
I have never cared what the gas was, if I needed gas I tanked up.
This year will take advantage of lower prices and get gas 
when it is cheap even when I may not be on E.
5) Clothing.
I have enough clothes in enough sizes that I probably could 
go the rest of my life without buying another piece.
Most days I am home painting so I don't dress up or 
need great clothes for that. Except for under garments
will not be buying any clothes this year and at the end
of the year, getting rid of all those things I have either worn
out or have not worn this year.
6) Possessions
Okay, this will be my hard part. I love all my collections and
it is very hard for me to rid myself of any of my treasures.
However, I don't need to add to any of these collections
this year. Also I don't need more than one of something.
Also if I don't use it, then I will sell it.
7) Lighting
I am so fortunate that where I live, all my utilities including
garbage, water, gas, electricity, are on one bill.
I will remember to shut off lights which I am terrible at.
Instead of washing clothing daily just to have none dirty,
won't wash unless I have a full load.
I like my Cottage cool. I warm it up when the grandgirls
come to visit, but when I am home alone, fireplace and
wall heater to be used instead of the heater unless very cold.
I can put on a sweater, use a blanket, wear warmer clothing.
8) Insurances
I have looked at all my policies and made changes as I 
have always been one to be overinsured. Made minimal changes
and have saved over 500 dollars per 6 months.
9) cable, internet and phones
I called to cancel my cable because I rarely watch tv
and when I do, it is usually Netflix, Hulu or Youtube.
However when I called and told them my plan, 
they found me a plan. Cable for under 30 dollars a month
for a year and even gave me more channels. 
This is for a year so I will be calling yearly to cancel cable.
10) Eating out
I don't do much fast food unless I have the grandgirls.
But there are times I do drive through because I just
don't feel like fixing anything. This year,
with the help of my air fryer, I am going to cook for myself.
I will still eat out with friends and family if it means
spending time with those I love but no more 
eating out by myself.
This is the beginning of becoming a Minimalist and
I am sure I will find other ways but starting this way
and at the end of the year, want to see just how much money
I have saved! 
Jump on the band wagon! 
and if you are not interested in doing, then support others
by giving ideas on other ways to save.
This may be the first New Years resolution I actually keep!

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