Wednesday, September 19, 2018


It's been a while since I have blogged about my 
Grandgirls! This blog is also used as a journaling technique for
me, soo, get ready a MUMSIE BRAGGING POST!
Our sweet girls, I know some may think we spoil them rotten
(we do) and we think they are perfect ( they are, for us)
yet each one of them brings something different to my life
and there is very little I love more than talking about 
these gals! 
First, this photograph, says so  much!
Kd wanted some Mother/daughter pics and this
one lands up being my favorite, as it shows
just how much that big sis love those little sisters
and how much they lean on her, for a lot.

Jilly, Bean to my blog world is 7 now,
7!!! When did that happen?
She is smart, a teachers dream, strong in body and mind
dramatic, like her Mumsie and vocal on her thoughts (like her Mumsie lol)
She has been chosen, by the St. John high school cheerleaders 
to be their mascot, which means, she performs at every game 
and dresses out with them! Amazing how strong this girls
body is with all that cheering and dance and gymnastics.
Of course, we are proud of all her accomplishments but
the story I choose to share about the Bean is one
that took place a few nights ago when I stayed lil later at her 
home so I could spend some one on one time with her.
As we laid in her bed, watching a You Tube video, 
talking about different things, cuddling,
the time finally came that she had to get to sleep 
and I had to get home. As i was saying good bye
(Consisting of many hugs and kisses and don't leaves)
she announces, "Mumsie I have a question"
You just never know where the Bean's questions will go...
"For Christmas, can I have some Mumsie lotion?"
for my whole adult life I have worn Clinique Aromatics lotion.
So much that my kids recognize the smell with me
and the grand girls call it Mumsie lotion.
"Why would you want that for Christmas?"
"Because when you leave here or I leave the cottage,
I can smell you and if I had my own lotion,
I could smell you all the time"

and this is our Bean, tough, dramatic
and yet so very sweet when it counts the most.
(Jilly, cousin Lizzy and JOJO with the wrestling faces on at match)
Then there is our JOJO, oh our sweet, gentle Jo!
It has been a while since I have met a child with
such a gentle spirit, delicate, a dancing queen,
as if there is music, she is dancing.....
She rarely is rude around Mumsie,
which is makes this story I love to share about her
makes it so funny. She is rarely rude.
One day as we are at the cottage,
I tell her to do something and she's says
"Mumsie, you not my boss"
I say "JOJO!" and she says "Mumsie!"
in shock as we both are just that as this is not
JoJO's normal personality.
"I have to sit?"
Which means sitting for the minutes of your age
under the NO WHINING sign at Mumsie's Cottage.
"Yeah, baby, you have to"
She set her timer for 4 minutes and quietly sits
her time out. When her time is up I do what
we are taught to do. I bend down to her eye level,
I look her in the eye, I ask her "Do you know why you
were timed out?" "Yes Ma'am"
"I can't tell grown ups they not the boss, and you are
the boss of this house"
I hug her and tell her I love her and she is such a good little girl.
Then in her JOJO voice, sweet and loving...
"Mumsie?" "Yes jojo?"
"When I grow up, I am going to be mean to you!"
Sweet JOJO 

And then our baby JemJem....
Okay, there is something I have heard all my life,
"She is the baby, and she is spoiled rotten."
I used to overhear this so much
but you  know what, I grew up knowing it was true.
Even now, at 55, let me get sick or need something
and those siblings come a running!
Yet, I still turned out OK, right???
Our JEM JEM, she is the baby.
Maybe we all rocked her a little longer,
gave her what she wanted a little more,
but when it comes to funny, this gal is FUNNY!
She has this raspy, deep voice that in itself,
is funny. Then when she sings, its with
gusto, her eyes close, her little nose wrinkles and
She sings her version of any Disney song or song
her Daddy plays for her. Her words are usually her own
and in that raspy voice, all we can say is,
"Oh JEM JEM that was beautiful!"
And she bows, are says "I'm Jemma"
That is her new thing, no matte`r how many times she sees
us, no matter that we were there the day she was born,
she walks into a home or you walk into hers and she says
proudly, "Hello, I am JEMMA!"
I have been thinking if she does this because people cannot 
seem to get her name right or because her and JOJO,
only 14 months apart and about the same size.
However, while you can blow on JOJO and knock her over,
this little Lady is solid.
She loves her Mommy and Daddy, and her Maw Maw
seems to be her favorite grandparent.
But to see this girl with her Momma is
so sweet, makes you feel like you have to look away
as her love is so full of emotion.
The other day, her Mommy comes to pick her up from the cottage,
she screams, "Mommy! Mommy is here!"
KD walks in and picks her up and as KD and I are talking,
Kd says "Look at this kid?"
The whole time JemJem is staring at her eyes,
hands on each side of her Mom's face, caressing her Mommy's face.
Will not stop staring at her,
That my friends, is pure unconditional love!

These pictures, they are our JemJem.
You will know her when you see her with the Triple J's
(What they call themselves)
While she is not always happy, has a tad of a
Always posing for the camera and if that does not give
her identity  a clue for you, she will be the one
screaming, demanding acknowledgement,

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