Thursday, September 27, 2018


I want to first say, as I have so many times before,
I don't know much about politics and I rarely
say anything about these types of things but I know quite a bit 
about life and our past actions.
I have so many confusing thoughts on this whole
episode on Kavanaugh's past.
First that gets me... If I and most of us had to be judged
on things we did in high school most of us would be in court
for some type of stupidity we have done .
My first confusion is why is not some judge throwing 
this out, why is so much time being spent on this?
So many coming forward to slam this man who
all the accusations are from when he was in high school and
college. He has been a judge, a man has done lots good since then.
Many of these women have also said,
"They were inebriated, and they are not sure if Brett K. 
was even the one who exposed himself at these parties which 
all were drunk at. What did they do? I am sure there were
some things they all did they were not proud of.
Shoot, I remember one high school party I had at my sisters
house that I made out with a guy I didn't even know well.
Yet, I am not about to hold accusations against him, I am sure
we both kind of liked it, we were teens with lots of
hormones running through our veins.
My biggest complaint is, why do women
(and please realize this is not a woman bashing blog,
I know how hard it is for some abused women to come out)
wait until a President wants to put this man on his payroll
does this come out. Why, since college, only being what
it seems an upstanding citizen, being prosecuted?
Why in the Clinton Era, he could mess around with young
women, knowing EXACTLY what he was doing
in OUR white house, with his "wife" probably in another room,
not be put in jail or taken out of office and yet this man is
being prosecuted for teenage hormones.
If he drugged them, that is wrong, but where is the proof?
Like a friend of mine said, "What happened to innocent until proven guilty?"
What about this man's wife, his children? Clinton was guilty, GUILTY
proven that way and spent not one day in jail.
I don't know why this piece of news has affected me so much
as usually I don't get involved.....
I think it is not about this man,
it is more about women. The poor women who have really
been abused, raped, mentally abused by the husbands,
those types of women who are afraid to come out and speak
of their abuse. These women, especially the one who started it,
Christine Ford, gets to say when she will testify
" I can't go on a Monday"
"I want a female judge"
lada lada lada
We don't have those rights...
When we have to be in court, even for jury duty we are
told when to be there and added if not there we could be arrested.
I just do not understand the unfairness of all of this and
how our Country is allowing it to happen.
I know I may get lots of back lashing over this one,
I know I don't know all the facts but I have always said,
"If you put something in words, you must stand behind it"
It is why I write so much, because things can't be turned around.
Just had to put this one out there as it has been irritating me for
days and after coffee with a few friends yesterday at the
Cottage, I realize this is the feeling of many....
Remember this is my opinions, my feelings,
I am sticking to it!

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