Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I am not a political person, honestly, I
know as much about politics as I do about Geography and
what road I am on. Da Boo can testify on the latter part.
Many either loved John McCain or disliked him
because of decisions he has made or supported.
Yet, for me, having read a little bit about his life,
He deserves this recognition that I choose to write
of in my blog.

My wanting to write this blog has nothing to do with
his political seats he has kept but more of the story of
his tragic Vietnam War stay.
Having a brother who left a part of himself in Vietnam,
just the fact that John McCain came home alive
is a miracle!
I don't know the specifics of how his plane came down in 
Vietnam territory, again my lack of history and not wanting
to know more than I need.....
However I do know he was captured with extensive injuries
and was basically left to die from those injuries.
From what I have read, my interest sparked by the 
story, once the captors found out his Father was
an Admiral they took him to a hospital and he was allowed
some treatment. At that time, they offered him release.
It is written that the Viet's were going to use his release
to shun he and his father, but that was not to happen.
Because knowing the laws of this War and that prisoners
were to be release in the order they were captured, he
refused the offer of freedom. Can you imagine,
being held prisoner, abused, starved, tortured,
in pain and turning down the chance to be back on US soil 
because it was "not your turn".
I don't know if I could have been that strong.
He stayed there I believe for almost another 5 years,
being released in 1973.
As if this was not enough, enough for his Country,
He wanted back in and in 1974, barely passing the physical 
he went back in the Military.
I knew none of this when hearing of his passing.
I did hear that he was going to stop treatment for
his brain cancer. Honestly I do believe he should not have
gone back to his Political seat after becoming ill
but again, I don't know enough about politics to discuss this.
I only know this, My admiration for a man I knew little 
of has grown 100 fold. Regardless of what he was 
in the eyes of the Big World,
to his family, he was just Dad and Husband,
Grandfather and loved.
RIP John McCain.
Your family has lost you but your 
love and legacy shall follow their broken hearts
and pull them through this time of sorrow to
remember all the good you were to them all.                                             

Thursday, August 23, 2018


It's been a busy week, no joking, I have at least three
major things in my head and heart that I want to blog about.....
But first, Sweet Matalie Jo!
I am a great, great Aunt to this precious child,
Born to my niece, Tie's daughter Ange' and her boyfriend, Sage.
Nine months ago, when Ange' had to tell all of us who
love her the most, that she was pregnant in her senior year,
she was terrified, thought we would be disappointed.
What she got, I don't know if she was expecting.
Yes, she and Sage were young, yes, it was not the
optimum future we wanted for them,
but we all wrapped our arms and hearts around this young
couple and offered to do all we could to be
in this baby's village, to help and love as much as we could.
Yet, something amazing happened!
Ange' graduated and became a Momma long before this child was
born. She matured, she worked hard, she rarely complained,
her Dad rented a home and she prepared a beautiful nursery,
She and Sage continued to work on the family they wanted.
I told her back then,
"It may not be the start we wanted for you but all babies are
miracles and all come to teach us something."
I promised to be in this baby's village, doing what I could to help
when I could.
Finally, the 9 months passed and there were a few false alarms 
to the hospital but finally, on Saturday, it was time.
When I tell you, an 18 year old child acted like a woman
on the day she delivered this sweet baby.
Was excited and happy, when her body just would
not dilate, she finally took the epidural at about 8:15pm 
and things went fast from there, delivering the most precious
baby at 12:20 Am with her partner and Daddy to this baby at her side.
I was amazed at the maturity of both of these literally kids,
how they handled a situation that would scare any new momma
on her first birth. She was a trooper and we all are just so darn
proud of the both of them.
Now they have brought this beautiful sweet Matalie Jolee
home with Ange' and Sage is there daily to do whatever is needed.
Each day as I text my Ange' she is always full of hope,
excitement, compliments on all that has happened.
A baby does something to a girl,
turns her into a woman a Mother.
Not all accept it, some fight it, not our Ange'
she is proud of being a Momma, so proud
of her sweet baby and boyfriend.
We are a big family, and Sage's family is as well
so this child will be surrounded with love from
the village.
Sage will graduate and go to college,
Ange' will enjoy these weeks ahead as she and
her most beautiful baby bond and then once
better, she too will go to college and the 
village will help in any way we can 
to make this child know and feel so love.

So Ange' and Sage, once again, I am so very proud of the both
of you, Never forget the love and this special time you 
feel right now, how much this baby has changed the two
of you. This feeling and love will carry you guys
through rough times in the future, and believe
me, there will be some. I love both of you.

This girl here, Nee Nee, my godchild, loving her
new position as Aunt Nee.
This baby will be so special to her as well.
Pray for this little family, that all will continue to go
smoothly for them all, that love will grow daily
and that beautiful Mattie Jo will continue
to be a good baby, she is such a good baby!
I cannot wait to watch this family move forward
and show other young people finding themselves
in this position that it can be done.
A village to raise a child,
that is what Ange' and Sage and Matalie are blessed with!

Friday, August 17, 2018


When you are blessed with the very best bestie's, bestie baby and boo, 
You are already blessed beyond measure
but Saturday, Saturday was one for the books.
I am not a dumb girl, not even "blonde"
but like the boo says, I have squirrels in my head,
I am not always fast on catching on to surprises.
Let me share this very awesome story.
On Friday, the boo texted me that we had a craving 
for Grapevine, our most favorite restaurant in Donaldsonville.
I thought nothing of this request as it is our fave.
We had plans to do some cleaning at his new place
but hey, Grapevine on a Saturday, didn't take much
to convince me.
That morning I texted with the bestie's like most mornings,
boo asked how they were,
"Laurie is getting things done" 
 "Ann and Moody are going look at campers."
As we headed to Grapevine, I suggested maybe
we should go to the new sushi place in Plaquemine.
"Nah, I want Grapevine"
Okay, not complaints here.
We drive up, lots of cars as usual,
I walk in first and there I see
Ann, Laurie and Lindsey.....
My first reaction, spoken out loud,
"Randy, Ann and Laurie are here, I can't believe
they came to Dville to eat and didn't tell me, I am so pissed!"
Then I tell the hostest, "We are going to sit with those
Biatches right there who didn't tell me they were coming here!"
And as I walk to the table fussing at them for not
sharing with me that they were coming to eat here,
I finally notice a chocolate cake and then,
I realize, the gathering is a surprise for me.....
OH yes, I felt like a dumb one then....
Come to find out, Laurie reached out to Randy
to get me there for Saturday to surprise me for my birthday.
So, they were all in on it but me and I am very slow sometimes....
How honored to be loved by so many, if I had nothing,
no material possessions, only the love of these three women
and the boo, I would be a rich woman.
I never feel like I deserve these types of surprises.
I always feel they all do more for me than I for them
and for that I am touched, it was hard to hold back my tears.
My Mom told me a long time ago,
"Being able to pick good friends is a talent as they
will be with you through your whole life."
My Mom had one of those in Mrs. T-Lloyd, best friends since
they had been in elementary and stayed bestie's until the day
my Mom died.
As I have reflected on this gathering at my favorite restaurant,
planned by the man I call my boo and
the three women I love so very much I am still in awe of
how it all happened. Our distance from our homes have
slowed down our gatherings but not a day goes by that
we don't touch base via texting or phone calls.
Yes, I will say once again, I am blessed beyond measure!
  I never, never
take advantage of that, not on my birthday or any other day.
The bestie baby, Lindsey really has become a bestie as well.
I love her as my own.
Thanks, Ann, Laurie, Lindsey and Randy for going
out of y'all way to make me feel so very special.
I love and adore you all!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2018


A blog about School Days does not sound very interesting,
and it may not be for you.
This one is for me, for Memory's sake.
It seems like  just yesterday our little Bean 
was graduating from St. John's "yellow shirts"
which means 4 yr. Pre K and Kinder was next.
Today she begins second grade.....
Tuts, goes into yellow shirt 4 yr. program
and our baby Jemma,
blue shirt 3 yr. program on Tuesday!
And I ask what so many ask at this time of the year,
something that you see all over Facebook, Instagram...
Where did the time go?
Yet, we all know time will not stop and
my sweet grand girls will continue to move through 
the years and just like my own kiddo's,
before we know it, they will be graduating.
For today, let me slow down....
and you girls, slow down!

(Bean getting her one of many "Diploma's" to come)
(This was Baby Boy's face that meant "You better behave"
or "let me make someone laugh because i am bored...")
(Their fly picture on that day... look how little they all are)

(maw maw and cousin Lizzie, who is three weeks younger than Bean)
So I say, today, have a great year my grand girls!
A big one for Bean as she will make her communion 
this year. JemJem, our baby, going to St. John is surreal.
Time really does fly when referencing little children.
On Wednesday morning, as the girls awakened one
at a time, I rocked each of them.
Bean was first. I talked to her about how big
she was getting and how proud I am that she is 
so smart and a good student and that I was going to rock
her for as long as she let me.
I know soon these times will be over as her sleep overs
will be with friends, she will be a teen and Mumsie and 
the cottage just won't be as cool anymore.
Next was Tuts, my coffee milk drinker.
I rocked her for a bit and then Coffee milk 
with her Mumsie in her special little cup.
I love our morning coffee dates when she sleeps over.
Then our baby Jemma,
not a morning gal.
she let me rock her for about 5 mins. and then
she wanted
"Springles and Jib jab"
I substituted Pringles for fruit loops
and we all sat on the round chair for a couple of
Jib Jab dances on my computer.
BE Still My Heart and stop the
process of growing up!
It being my birthday morning made it
for a perfect day and as school starts
and they all get a year older in school,
I am so very proud of each of them!                                                         


Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Yesterday a family friend added this photo to Facebook in 
Bayou Memories and right away I became so lonesome for
this man, my mom and the Boo's Mom, Mrs. Barbara.
Being born to older parents I was spoiled beyond rotten.
He was the one who did most the spoiling.
Some who knew him would never believe how gentle
and kind he was to his last three girls.
He melted around us, and once he retired he truly liked
us around him. As he and I got older, and he became sick
he was very irritated often and liked his cussing when
things were not going his way, but when I was around
he always became a gentle man.
Mom worked and he raised the last three of us girls.
He was a master cooker and we put in our orders in the
morning for supper when we got home.
This photo, however, was before me time.
Back when he was a photographer
he not only took every picture at Golden Meadow High School 
but he also put the year books together.
Our family had a copy of every yearbook he made.
Imagine how upset we were in 85 when Hurricane Juan
flooded our little towns we call DTB (down the bayou)
and we lost them all.
Thanks to Rhetta Domanque for reminding me of
the life he lived before his littlest girl was born.
Missing him big this AM!


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...