Thursday, April 5, 2018


When you grow up in small towns like I did,
you best friends as children, become your life long besties.
Their parents become yours, their siblings as well.
Last night, my dear friend, ANN and her siblings,
said goodbye to their mom, Mrs. Geri.
Their Father died a few years ago of ALS
yet, their Mom, although so sad to loose her love,
never missed a beat in the Momma/grandma role.
I can remember such good memories of my times
with this family both as a child, teen and adult.
One of my best memories that meant nothing to me
until I was a married person,
each Friday night, she and Mr. Charles went on date night.
Most times it was just a night to eat out, both
of them loving Chinese. Sometimes they would 
bring a small amount back, left overs, that
was never enough to feed the brood that
awaited their return, but they always brought something back.
When we were teens, I remember not really liking this
"date night" thing as the older siblings were responsible
for the younger kiddo's, Peter John and Hollie.
I, being the baby of my family,
had a hard time understanding to hierarchy
of being one of the older children.
I only saw it as a delay in our own time out.
Today, I always think of how special this was in those times.
to put that type of work in their relationship.
Another one of my memories of Mrs. Geri that stays
in my mind, in our Senior year, getting ready for graduation,
Mrs. Geri asked me to go shopping with she and Ann 
as someone in her family, about my size was having a birthday
and she needed me to try on a few pj's and help her decided
which one would be best.
I loved shopping so I was all over that.
I tried on a few and fell in love with this jade green
tedi-type pj and she bought that one.
How surprised I was when a few weeks later, she handed
me a gift for graduation and there was the beautiful jade green 
pj, the very same one I had chosen.
So smart in her way of surprising me.
This was Mrs. Geri.
Her grandmother skills were impeccable.
I remember a few years ago, buying a cookbook that was
put together by a local chef. In there I found a recipe
added by Mrs. Geri, named each one after her grandchildren 
she had at the time.
She was a tough woman, always told you how she felt about
a particular situation. Its no surprise that all her family
is already feeling the loss of this special woman.
When she began this fight with the big C,
there were times I wanted to visit but she was just not up to it.
A few weeks ago, when I went down for Ange's reveal party,
I once again wanted to try and visit,
Ann was staying with her and said she had been sleeping most of
the last days so she was not sure if it would be a good day for visits.
Yet, a few years later, Ann texted that not only was her Mom
awake and not in much pain but was sitting in her chair
and looking forward to my visit.
I went in and there she was, looking so peaceful.
sitting in her recliner. I went to her and kissed and hugged and
her words to me when I asked how her day was going,
"It just got a lot better with your visit"
This was her, always putting others first.
Today, she has moved on to the next phase of this thing of life,
her family definitely feeling the loss already.
Yet, although I am sad, I picture her love, Mr. Charles
awaiting her.
Tomorrow is Friday, I imagine their first date night in Heaven 
being a grand one.
Rest, my dear one, no more suffering, we will forever
miss you and your spirit, the things you have taught me.
To her children, grandchildren, 
She will forever be with you, part of the heart that beats inside of you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She was truly a lovely woman.


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