Wednesday, April 18, 2018


On Saturday, the boo and I forged through the weather
to Lafayette for the Bruce wedding.
It's taken me a while to write this blog and I am still
not sure if I can put into words what the night brought me.
However, it is time to attempt..
Gavin Bruce, Gav.... almost like a son to me.
Not only was he and Gypsy baby good friends at a very young
age but in second grade, they became neighbors.
When the Burregi's moved in Tarpon Heights,
their Jaedon and the other two became "every day" friends.
Along with Jessica Rousse who also lived in the neighborhood.
When You live below Intracoastal your neighborhood becomes
a village, a village to raise your children in, where
each Mother and Father has full authority to correct,
encourage any of the other children.
And that we did!
Image may contain: 4 people, including Alice Lathrop, people smiling, people sitting and indoor
(Randy, myself, Alice)
As we gathered on  Saturday. our three children now adults,
all our personalities have changed.
( gypsy baby, Alice, Jaedon)
(Alice, Jaedon's mom and Wanda, Gavin's mom)
These were two of the Mom's of Gypsy's village as well
as becoming some of my best friends in the neighborhood.
It is amazing to see, now that the kids are grown, how much
fun we can have together, which was proved on Saturday.
But back to the past.
Each of us were "hands on Moms" we were responsible,
strict with love. We walked together most afternoons and
our three kiddo's followed us many days either riding their bikes,
skates or skateboards. We talked of so much, personal life things,
our children, our careers... 
Just so much.

(Alice, myself, Wanda, Jae, Gavin)
So gathering for Gavin's wedding was almost marrying one 
of our own. Happy tears for us all.
...And boy did we celebrate the night, rarely
leaving the dance floor. It was a night I will never forget.
Dancing with Gavin, he tells me thank you,
Thank you for being like a third, fourth mother to him.
He is the most gracious groom, remembering to let
each of us know just how important we are to him.
(Lindsey and her Dad, during the Father/Daughter dance)
I must make remarks on this beautiful bride,
Gavin's wife, so beautiful, so natural,
Bohemian almost, loving vintage probably as much as I.
Her father has been in a wheel chair most of her life.
Not a dry eye in the venue when for the Father/Daughter dance
she jumped in her Daddy's lap and danced the way
she has always danced with him.
One of the most touching things I have witnessed.

... and another thing I must comment on,
My gypsy baby and her love, Delainey, 
enjoying each other so much at the wedding.
The Boo took this picture and I see her,
so very happy and at such a good place in her life right now.
I look around the party after Randy shows me this
photo and I realize, in a room full of "down the bayou" people
and Lindsey's family, no one looks at them awkward
actually, no one seems to even notice the love of 
two women dancing together surely in love.
This is our bayou, Acceptance of all,
no matter how you live your life.
I have not seen my gypsy this happy in a long time.
Thanks, D, for being the reason for that smile.
Then the boo.....
Thanks for being my date at such an important day for us.
Although you are not a dancer,
you were so attentive to me and my friends,
holding my jackets, my phone, my pictures,
keeping my glass cold and full. 
Allowing me to dance with all my old comrades
and when I sat to rest, blew on my neck to cool me off,
made sure we got back to the hotel safely.
You were an amazing date! Thanks for loving me the way you do.
Gavin and Lindsey,
I will share here the same advice I shared with you that night,
"Never forget how much you love that woman today, don't
let the World ever, ever come between that"
and my favorite advice to all new couples.
"When you wrong admit it, when you are right shut up."
Thanks for the best reception and wedding.
I remain thankful that I have been in the village that
raised you, Gavin.
Love to all my peeps!

1 comment:

zerry ht said...

How adorable this wedding was. the photos are so cute. I liked the location too. I need to book such stunning rental spaces for parties in LA but it is not so easy to find a good location on a budget. It will be great if you could help by sharing some decent suggestions.


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