Wednesday, March 14, 2018

7 years and one day!

I am up early this morning,
Not only because its Mass day at St. John school,
not only because it is Mumsie Day
but my sweet Bean is 7 and a day!!!!
Yesterday was her actual birthday and I still
can't believe 7 years have passed that this child has been
in our lives. 
She is smart, cute, funny, sassy (in a good way)
and very loving to her sisters and family.
Saturday was her sleepover party and
it was fun watching her interact with her peers
as I taught them a scrap lesson.
It was a great day to celebrate her.
Seven years ago, I had just got over a back surgery
and I spent much time rocking her, playing,
watching in awe as she grew so fast.
She came to me at a very dark time in my life
and was the light that got me through lots
of challenging things.
For that, I believe we shall always have 
a special bond.
Love you Bean!
So glad you are ours!

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