Wednesday, February 5, 2025

thoughts of family

(mom's 90th bday party, my siblings minus Larry)
If you have followed my blog for some time,
you may remember when my oldest sister, Simone died
and what happened to me then.
For those of you who may not remember, I will share.
I am the baby of 7 children, my oldest sibling was 23 when I was born.
I was a sick child and was spoiled way beyond the normal.
I was and still am very proud of my family.
However, us all being born in different "era's"
with different life experiences we are all very much different.
I could write a book just on that topic, I will table that.
I have never been one to worry about age.
I have always rolled with the punches knowing that
another trip around the sun was a gift.
My oldest brother died first but because he had already 
left our family and lived with his family in Brownsville,
we didn't get to see him that often.
What I remember about his death was the piercing scream
my almost 90 year old Momma bellowed.
The way she put her hand on his name at his burial site and just cried.

(my brother, Larry's burial site and his family)

When Simone died It was a totally different awakening for me.
My oldest sibling at 82 dying had me realize that we are
all getting older, none of us are getting out alive
and being the youngest, I may have to watch many of my siblings die.
We all were raised very close, everyone coming home for the holidays.
Home to the big house where we all grew up.
Through my life my family had buried our parents,
Aunts, Uncles and many good friends.
When Simone died I realized that being the baby of a large family
I will bury many of those I love,
which goes back to my Mom's words that I have said way too often lately:
It never made more sense to me than when Simone died.
Yesterday, cousins and friends gathered not to mourn 
my cousin Jolynn but to celebrate her life.
It was a beautiful service, it was a celebration that would
have made all our parents proud.
Afterwards we gathered at her daughters home and
did what we just don't do enough of anymore.
We gathered to make the Vey Yay.
to "shoot the shit" to tell stories, catch up on family.
The reality is as we all get older, it will be in 
these instances of funerals that family gathers,
and after yesterday, I am okay with it.
I believe fully in a life after this and that 
we will be all together again one day.
Mourning and loss, I believe is for this side
and that those who go before us will be there waiting for us,
to show us where the best "vey yay" spots are.
Love to all my Cheramie and Collins families!

( below, photo taken of Collins family at Eserman 50th family reunion)

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