Saturday, February 22, 2025


I knew it would happen, even with all the promises she made...
I knew that the day would come when Jilly would become a 
teenager and have so many plans that I would not be a priority.
Still, I was not prepared fully for it.
When she calls and has a free night and wants to come sleep, it is happening.
I miss the little girl who called to come sleep all the time
when family outweighed friends and practices, etc.
"Mumsie, how long will you rock me?"
Her little two year old self asked years ago.
"I will rock you as long as you let me,
I will rock you until your feet drag the ground,
I will rock you on the day you get married,
and I will rock you when my old body becomes timid
and your much stronger"
Because now, she has a life surrounded by people and friends,
she does not come sleep as often as she once did.
Rarely do we read in bed together and rarely
do we play 'foosh' (pillow fight). 
However, this morning as she awakened early to go to practice
she hopped in my lap and I rocked her.
Her body has grown to that of a teenager almost as tall as me
yet she still fits in my lap.
Its a great way to start a Saturday....
I will rock you, Jilly Bean for as long as I can.

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