Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Cheers to growing up!

Two weeks ago I found myself eating at Nobile's in Lutcher.
I sell art there at Ferry Landing Two
(visit if you can so much talent there!)
I love people watching and as much as I  love to "vey yay"
(sit around and talk)
I love company but I also love my own company.
Nobile's was packed and I almost changed my mind.
It had been a hard few weeks so I decided to just take my time,
sit and enjoy the atmosphere.
I was seated at a little table right across from this little group of ladies.
It would have been just like me to go up to them
and strike up a conversation but on this day I decided to just observe.
To say this encounter had me looking forward to growing up would be right.
There sat these 5 ladies all dressed up, hair fixed, make up and jewelry applied.
I could not hear most of their conversations but they laughed... a lot.
I found myself being drawn to their laughter
wondering what wonderful stories they might be sharing.
Did they grow up together? Were they friends as new Mothers?
were they cousins?... so many questions.
A few people stopped to talk to them and one in particular
had them flirting in a way that only older women can get away with.
The waitress came to ask them if they were done, 
probably because the place was packed and they needed that big table.
NO, indeed they were not done.
"We waiting for our coffee to have our dessert"
Oh my!
No where to be and not in a hurry to get there.
Either the waitress was new or she had not served the golden girls before.
As I finished up my meal, taking my own dessert home,
they took out their calendars, some were paper, some were phones.
These sweet little ladies were planning their next months gathering.
From this I knew this was not a one time thing but 
something they did every month.
I want to grow up to be just like that.
All the time in the world to sit around with all those I love
and make the Vey yay, with no time to get anywhere.
I can picture the days when my besties are retired and
we can also plan monthly outings.
Yes growing old is not for the weak hearted
but watching these sweet ladies has me
looking forward to growing up.


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