Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lilbit of Lil bit

Let me say a little bit about Lilbit.
There is so much about my life that I am so very proud of.
My Dad was the photographer...
One of the last professional photos he took was of me,
his last baby....
He had to retire when I was three because of a WWII injury.
Because of this, he never took photos after,
so this is literally, one of his last photos.

Hence the famous Collins Carpet we children always talk about.
If you see this carpet in an old photo, 
you can bet Freddie Collins name is attached to it.
So, I came to my parents when they were 43 and 45.
After 9 pregnancies and 6 living children, 
with their oldest being 23, I was born.
Mr. Randolph used to tell me the story of that day.
Out of all my Momma's babies, 
I was the only one delivered via c-section.
My Dad ran into Randolph's Restaurant
and announced,
"We have a girl, another little girl!"
Mr. Randolph asked him "What's her name?"
and my Dad stopped, looking confused 
and said, "I don't remember!"
I don't know why this story cracks me up
to think he had so many kids that he didn't remember my name...

My kiddo's tease me about how many times I tell
people I had childhood cancer in 1968.
I am so proud of the fact I survived an incurable cancer
that I tell most anyone who wants to listen.
I wear it as a trophy....
because I know how fortunate I am not only to still be here
but to be a voice for others.
I would not change the fact that I had cancer.
I honestly believe it is in that fight that
I became the person I am today.
When facing any obstacle or challenge there are two roads you can take.
The negative or the positive.
My family brought me up to know how fortunate I was
to have beaten this cancer.
This made me brave, had me see the world in a different light.
I am always saying there is good and bad in everyone.
It is my optimistic nature that has me believing
that we all wake up each morning with a choice 
and that most people really do want to better the World.
Yes, call me naive but it has carried me through 61 years.
So here I am now, living my 62nd year on this planet.
With so many stories to share.
I am content and happy most days and although
some mornings are hard to get started
I know how fortunate I am to still be here.
I hope I always try and see the good in every situation
even those that seem hopeless.
Thanks for following my journey here
as I navigate growing up....
I am determined to leave the stories here for 
the next generation.
Much love to you all!


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