Friday, April 7, 2023

The dermatologist

 I have often spoken about 
"The person I see in the mirror is not the one who lives in my head"
I, like many see the deep lines, wrinkles.
I think of Botox and if it would help the deep  lines on my forehead.
You see I have no problem with aging,
growing old except my forehead lines are sooo deep compared to 
even many my age and older.
So I make the dermatology appointment all the while thinking,
"Am I vain?" "Should I really be throwing this money away?"
"What will we find out about botox 10 years from now that 
we maybe should have known sooner"
Even with all this in my mind, I show up for the appointment.
I explain to the dermatologist all the above.
She takes a good look at my skin, my face, my forehead
and she says, "Let me tell you what I think about this problem"
She goes on to explain that I am right, most of my forehead wrinkles
are deeper than some, more so than some people older than me
but that tells her a lot.
Now I am becoming concerned, am I going to find out I am dying
on the day I decide I need botox?
She continues:
This tells me that you use these muscles for expression more than most.
They are deeper because you smile a lot and 
become animated when you are speaking.
You live a life of many emotions and you are not afraid to show it.
Those lines are representation of the kind of life and love
you show to those around you.
She goes on to explain, she will do the Botox but 
I should know that it is temporary and it will change my character
for a few months.
A dermatologist not looking for an extra buck,
who took the time to tell me how she felt about the treatment.
I leave without the Botox, even brushing my bangs off my forehead.
Because I love deep and I live deep why should my aging be any different.
When I am no longer here on Earth,
not many will remember my insecurity I had at almost 60 
about my forehead wrinkles.
Instead, I hope they remember that when I told a story
it was literally
"All over my face".

1 comment:

Angel Guzzardo said...

I tell you what my wrinkles will be the last thing I will remember about you! Heck, what wrinkles? Your SMILE and LOVING HEART is what makes, you.....YOU! All you have to do is visit with you for a minute to see THAT!
Big Hugs!


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