Friday, January 20, 2023

The rawness of childhood cancer...


 I don't talk about the negative part of childhood cancer much.
This year, however I have decided it is time to put it all out there.
I want to first say, I am thankful for all that has been done for me
in order to save my life back in a day that childhood cancer 
was a death sentence.
With that being said, there is lots a 5 year old remembers 
and listening to a podcast of other childhood cancer survivors,
I know that someone out there may need to hear this one day.
Believe it or not, back then I did not talk much.
Mom said when they took out my kidney, they opened my mouth.
Being in a hospital for 12 weeks without coming home
two months after your 5th birthday changes you.
I can remember the fear in my parents and family's eyes.
I didn't want to hurt them, so I kept quiet.
Yet I too was terrified. 
There were no ports back then, so chemotherapy 
went into your veins.
I hate having to explain when having blood drawn or an IV
that they won't be able to get a vein in a certain place
because it is a damaged vein.
Makes me sound like a drug addict...
so then I explain all about the childhood cancer.
I hate having to give that big story.
Then there are the lasting effects of it all.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
What was that in 1968?
I did what many after war did, didn't talk about it.
Yet there were days I laid in my parents bed,
pushing and prodding on my stomach because I was sure
there was another cancerous  tumor lurking around there.
When because of the chemo, I had a yeast infection,
the drama and screaming about needing a suppository 
in an area that your parents told you no one should touch.
Being a teenager and realizing your clothing did not fit
the way your friends clothing did.
Because you had an empty area where your kidney had once been
and scoliosis which made your spine curved.
Standing in front of my parents mirror and realizing
that I may never tuck in a shirt because of this.
Feeling different from others.
I laughed at it all.
Yet, inside myself, I had insecurities that most
children did not have.
There is more....
Again, I am not bitter about having had cancer
as I believe I am who I am because of this history
and I pretty much am happy about who I have become.
However I want to preserve these things here
as one day I will not be here to tell the stories.

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