Friday, January 13, 2023

We all have a story...

 IF you know me or follow my blog, you know...
I am all about the story.
One of my biggest fears is that my grandgirls will not know
who I truly am, way deep down in my heart and soul.
I want, when I am gone and they think of Mumsie and her Cottage,
they are brought back to a place where everything was simple,
where we could cook or create art,
where you are never "double digit" old meaning you only
have anniversaries of your 9th birthday.
Where no matter how old you were, at night you slept in my bed,
no matter how crowded, and Mumsie rubbed you and sang prayers
and songs until you drifted off.
That no matter how old you were, when you woke up
you were rocked. Even when your feet dragged the ground.
When you visit the Cottage for the first time, one
of those girls remember the tour they took so many friends on 
and the stories they told as they did it.
I have journaled most of my life, blogged for 15 years.
Yet, even with all of that, I feel the need to leave more behind.
More stories, funny things they have said, done.
I have also begun to leave stories in my handwriting
behind things in the Cottage that have a story.
Whether it be the "ghost story" of my Dad's childhood photo
or why I have ancestor photos hanging on my walls that
are not blood related but once I have them they become family.
I have this crazy fear that not enough of my story has been told.
This has been a year for our family. 
Between illness, deaths we have lost a lot.
The comedy to my story has passed,
 another, a relationship that was not completely mended that won't 
happen on this Earth.
I look at my siblings, the 5 of us that are left and I realize
we are going to loose each other and it stabs me each time.
We have gone above and beyond to spend more time together
this year as loosing our oldest sister has us realizing this.
I have a story with each of these siblings, all different.
Bear with me this year as I work on leaving a little bit more of myself
with those I love,
I have realized that the next generations may not want to read 
20 something journals to find out who I am.
However, they will be online and one day may come across
these blogs. May their hearts be happy of memories
shared here.
Happy New Year my friends!

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