Many years ago, I was going through old negatives from my Daddy's
Photography business and came across this rare one.
One from Simone's wedding to Joe that my own Daddy
was the photographer.
It show the ages and the dynamics of our close knit family.
Left to right:
My mom holding me, I was under two years of age.
Veronica, Joe (Simone's husband), Larry, his step daughter and wife at the time,
Daddy holding Celena, Peter and Rosie in the front.
When I found the negative Momma had us each one made and framed
as a Christmas gift. It hangs in my bedroom as a reminder
of all the years our family was spread out.
Twenty three years between Taunt Mone and myself.
When she has those three good hours talking with Celena and I
she even said,
"Lilly, she has to tell everyone.. 23 years between us,
She is the oldest, I am the youngest.... If I didn't hear that 1.000 times
I never heard it once..."
Celena and I cracked up laughing because it's so very true.
Each time I have ever gotten to explain our family it is always
what I say... Exactly like that. and over a thousand times
as I have said it to everyone whether Taunt Mone was there or not.
If you have been to the Cottage or a friend of mine,
you have heard me say this at least once,
and I have probably walked you over to this very same photo
if you have been to the Cottage....
It is my very favorite one....
This Saturday morning, again feeling the loss as
since Ida, I visit Simone every Saturday with whatever Grand Girl is in tow.
Yet I know this is a great thing, that she has transitioned to the next World.
I know she will be sending us signs that all is well within her Soul!
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