Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Today we shall gather together, family and friends

to celebrate my oldest sisters life.

I am excited to see these people and spend time with them all.

This memorial is not to be a sad one.

I want my Grand Girls and all the other little children to see

that death is part of life and it is not always a sad thing.

I want them to witness us all laughing and sharing moments

that we had with Simone.

To assure them that although we will miss her, we are convinced

that there is another life after this one.

Simone's life was not always easy but she always tried

to see the best in most situations.

There were so many times that her life was at a point that

It might be the end, and yet, she fought through it and lived

to tell her story. 

Now as we gather at Mumsie's Cottage after the Memorial 

we shall carry on and tell her story and remember to 

hold those we love just a little tighter, a little closer

as the "Circle of life" continues to turn.

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