Friday, September 17, 2021

The talk of a child

 I have a favorite cashier at our local Rouse's.

Not that all of them are not polite, they just seem to 

change daily, except for my one favorite, who is there

every morning Monday thru Friday, 

first register near the sliding doors. 

Her hours and position do not seem to change.

She is no-nonsense, does not blow smoke where the sun don't shine

and not one for casual banter.

Yet, she remembers that I bring cloth bags for my groceries

and asks me "No bags today?" each time I get in her aisle.

She may ask about the grand girls but most days

she just slides my groceries across her register and bags.

She is self-sufficient not needing a bag person to help her.

She is often the one training the younger ones 

and even once in a while I can see her showing just an edge

of impatience as she tells the teen cashier for the 5th time

to slide the groceries all the way to her at the other end.

We connect in a way that I appreciate when in a hurry to get home.

However, bring up to any prideful Mother, her kids, 

and watch a person change in an instant.

One day as I am checking out, a handsome teenager stops

by her register to ask her something and I ask if 

that is her son. She beams with pride, admitting that

yes, he is hers and adds that he is a great athelete,

already being watched by scouts as he plays high school football.

I converse with her about this and she pulls a bit of

paper out her register and writes down a You Tube site

where I can view him playing. 

I do just that, and she is right, this child is very talented,

going places. I am impressed.

A few weeks later, I enter her aisle and she is her 

typical "no-nonsense self" until I  tell her

I watched her son on youtube....

A broaden smile enters her face, her eyes light up,

"You watched it?"

Yes, I share, I sure did.... and she just cannot stop talking

about not only this son, but her other three children.

She then asks me about the grandgirls who are often

with me when we visit Rouse's. She is engaged and interested.

If you want to see the true Mother behind a woman,

talk about her kids.... and step back and watch!

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