Monday, September 20, 2021


If you are in a place right now where you can watch any news,
then you know who Gabby Petito is.
I have been consumed by the story of this missing child and
the man who calls her His "fiancé".
I have spent nights watching the Police surveillance video, 
I have watched the Tic Toc videos, and last night, could not
sleep after hearing that this young woman's bodily remains were found.
It is hard for me to call this story interesting as watching the
parents of Gabby is so heart-wrenching.
It is more like a terrible car accident that you just can't help but 
stare at as you slow down for safety.
As the rest of the population speaks out about Brian Laundrie,
I like the rest of you, are enraged.
How, How, can a man, who insists he loved this girl come 
home in Gabby's van on September 1st without her
and remain closed lipped until her family became worried on the 10th?
... and his parents......
I am a Mother, I do not care how much I love my children,
I know, for a fact, if I were in this situation I would sing like a bird
to that other Mother. I love my children, just as much as the 
Laundrie's love their son, but this young woman lived with them.
They knew her heart, her parents trusted the life of their daughter
with these people. I could never sleep a night knowing another
Mother was longing for her child, having sleepless nights
wondering where she was.
Many speak about closure, "at least they can now have closure"
Yet with closure they also loose hope.
I am aware that many missing people are never found and
yes, that has to be hard, but loosing hope of finding her
alive cannot be an easy task either.
I don't think I could call it closure when the man who
asked for my child's hand in marriage has all the answers
to her death and not only pleads the "5th amendment"
but decides to go missing and his parents don't report this
until two days later, go and pick up his car where he said
he would leave it....
What ever happened to the law of Aiding and Abetting?
Why are these parents not in jail now that there is a body?
I have so many questions just as the rest of the Nation.

I want to mention the Police Officer who stopped the couple a 
week before Gabby was suspected to be missing.
I watched the whole body cam video, and hour and 19 minutes.
This officer was one of the kindest I witnessed.
I know he has to be questioning his decision that he made
against his own judgement when another officer
basically tries to talk him out of filing a charge against Gabby
and putting her in jail. 
I think he is probably having many sleepless nights wondering
had he placed her in jail for the night, would she have 
explained to her parents what was going on on this trip.
I pray he is not beating himself up over this, the internet
is slamming this poor man. Any man this kind to two
young adults, who takes over an hour to decide how to handle
a situation, is suffering.
Gabby's Daddy, when being interviewed had nothing bad to 
say about this Officer. He basically said that
whatever happened on that day, was resolved as they continued
on their trip after and her parents had heard from her.
He went on to say that at that time, this was taking away
from the main cause and that was to find Gabby.
Kudo's to that parent. He may feel differently over time
as the stages of grief come upon he and his family,
but I think most of the anger will be for Brian and the Laundrie family.
Wherever Brian is, he should hope the police find him 
before an angry citizen does, immediate death for this man
is too good and yet our system does not need to house, feed, 
defend him in this case. Tell your story you coward little boy, 
plead guilty and spend the rest of your days away from the population.
His parents should also serve time for their part in all of this.
These are my thoughts and not everyone may agree 
but one thing is certain that I think we can all agree on,
GABBY PETITO will be remembered forever.


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