Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Although I would agree that Facebook, Instagram, Tic Toc are
not always good places, not great for children, I have to also
say there are many positives as well.
Such as for me, being able to keep up with all my old friends,
cousins, family. Because of these sites I have actually
grown closer to many people that without these sites, 
I would have lost touch of. 
Today I speak of "BABY FEET'
I sometimes participate in a photo challenge on Facebook 
that was set up by my neighbor friend, Rita and her
family. There is a topic and you are to find or snap a photo
of how you interpret the topic.
Often in the morning, I am going through my 25,000 photos
on my computer to find just the right one.
It has me reminiscing on times I have forgotten, like how
much my Mom did with me, watching the grandgirls grow up
in a matter of minutes via pictures,
not to mention my task of organizing all these photos and deleting duplicates.
This morning the topic is feet.
As I scroll through my many photos, looking for a certain one,
 a time when Jilly as a baby used the side walk chalk to color the 
bottom of her feet. This photo is so special to me that I have
it framed in my bedroom, just a photo of her foot bottom up
and her little hand holding chalk with the foot completely colored.
I will paint it one day.....
So, as I am being unsuccessful in finding this very photo 
I am brought back down memory lane starting at the date
3/13/11 her birth date.
Friday she will be 10! 10!
but as the rules of the cottage go, none of them can have double
digit ages so it will actually be 1st anniversary to her 9th birthday here.
After her birth I come across her newborn photos
and this is the one I choose for my photo challenge:
 Baby feet! 
There is nothing more beautiful with the sweetest aroma
than baby feet, especially when they are covered
with the bands her parents promised their love and life
for her and future babies.
To think that these very same feet are the ones she 
will walk on for her entire life, until she is old and gray,
the ones that she walks on, dances on, tumbles on.
How they have grown just as she has,
a little mind boggling.
I pray that these little feet carry her through the best life
possible and I selfishly pray that I am there to witness it.

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