Friday, January 31, 2020


Yesterday I was able to attend 
St. John School to celebrate 
National Catholic Schools Week 
with the three grandgirls. Jemma surprised us
as usually the PreK students don't come to mass.
It was a beautiful mass as we sang, held hands
and enjoyed the history of this beautiful denomination 
called Catholic. 
I believe we all pray to the same God, I believe no matter 
what church, denomination, or even if you attend no such mass,
we all will get to Heaven one day.
This being said, I have always loved the history and
the beauty of the Catholic mass.
I do not attend regularly as I so want to, but when I do,
I always feel so good inside.
To be able to share these school masses with the grandgirls
is an added blessing. The two youngest do not yet understand
the sacrifice a family must make to send their children there.
Yet, I believe Jilly gets it.
The other day, she came to my Cottage after school and
as she began her homework she exclaimed,
"Oh Mumsie! Look at this Thank You Card I made for
Mommy and Daddy!"
As I began to read it, I felt a tad teary-eyed.
I asked if the teacher told them what to write or draw.
"Nope, we did it all ourselves."
I continued to read:
"... I love you all so much, thank you for sending me
to a Catholic school like St. John. I know you work hard 
to pay to send me here..."
Not exact words but the same affect. 
she understands that this is not something she is guaranteed
but something that her family must budget and pay for.

Every time I enter St. Clement church which is the small
chapel connected to their school grounds I feel a peace
around me. As I await the grandgirls to come and sit with me
I say prayers of thanks, so much to be thankful for.
As we listen to Father Greg, Jilly asks,
"Can you rub my angel wings?"
Yes, it may be silly but I have told each of the girls at
different times while sitting in this very church
that their back shoulder bone is, I believe,
where their angel wings were before they were born.
It makes me happy to think they will remember this
and maybe one day share with their own babies.
Thank You, St. John School for all you 
do for the children in our little towns,
for how most of you teachers, office personnel,
principal and well, all of the staff know who the
children are, their families, making them feel like
they are special to you all, not just a number.
Thanks for being a part of their village and
teaching them how God works in their lives daily.
Last but not least,
Thanks to my son and daughter in law,
who works hard to give our girls the very best advantage 
for a wonderful future and a love for God
like no other.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Engagement

When you have great friends, consider yourself blessed.
I have many that I am proud to call friends.
However, when I moved to Plaquemine, we had
great neighbors, Lionel and Linda Collins.
My maiden name is also Collins but that is not
why I call them Hubster and Sister Wife.
Don't get all excited, it is all platonic.
I labeled them this because after my divorce and 
the sale of my home, moving into the Cottage
was made a bit easier because these two were my pals.
If I needed help, advice, company,
I could call either of them and they would be here.
Unless of course, they were on one of their many vacations, Lol.
When I needed to have my fireplace redone,
Hubster not only did my homework for me,
but came over to install the things he told me to order.
We try and have coffee visits as often as we can.
Ok, that is setting the tone for the blog.
All of that and I have not even got to the meat of the blog.
They love their family and like all of us with Grandbabies,
they adore each of theirs. 
However, their oldest, Chaston, lived with them for most of his life.
Chas lived in my big home until it sold which gave me lots
of peace of mind. 
When a few months ago, they shared that Chaston and his long time
girlfriend, Aryelle bought a home together and they would like 
a home portrait, I was excited to do it.
A little background, their new home is beautiful but
the thing they are most excited about it the acres that came with
it allowing Aryelle to have her horses on their property instead
of being housed in a rented stall.
They were so happy, so proud of them.
They asked if I could put their dogs in the photo.
I explained that sure I could but because of the scale they would be small.
It did not matter to them as long as they would know it was their pups.
If you have read the blog about the home portraits,
you will know that my paintings are not just putting a home on slate.
No, much more is involved. I sketch the home until I am
happy with it, I pray for those I am working with,
I think and pray about the music or papers I will use on each
project. Because this was a surprise gift, I could not ask
the little couple what they liked.
Going through the many music books I have, looking
for titles that would be special,
my hand kept going back to a song 
I told myself, no. This is the couple's dream, not just his own.
I texted Linda, "Any chance they might get engaged for Christmas"
her answer was they said no because with the buying of the house,
moving the horses to the new property, it was just not going to happen.
I put the titled music sheet back in my stash. I found a few others
an still my hand came back to
Something told me I just had to use it so I did.
I placed my music down on slate, covered with my chosen music 
and began to paint their beautiful home.
As I do with all paintings, I kept in touch with 
Linda with many questions.
She told me when they built the fence together,
she shared when the horses were moved
and then, a few days later she sends me this photo:

My heart must have known, when i chose that music piece,
that this was coming. Surprisingly, no one else did.
As Chaston helped Aryelle move her horse to their homestead,
he planned this engagement.
Yes! Score! Now my Title fit perfectly.
I am not a face painter, Just don't want to take the time to study
people portraits that it would take for me to be proficient at it.
But to have this beautiful photo of their engagement,
both dogs in the photo, her horse she loves like her child,
I had to find a way to add it into my painting.

I was nervous about it, the scale had to be small but 
I had to make it look like them and as close to the photo as
I could get it. Just like what happens for many of the home portraits,
I surprised myself. Although no facial features, everyone will 
know this as the engagement because of the iconic photo.
I could not wait for Hubster and Sista Wife to see it in person
as the waves in the slate and the paper, does not do the painting justice.

I invited them for coffee and presented them with the finished product.
I was proud of it and they were pleased, could not wait to 
gift it to the very special couple, Chaston and Aryelle.
...And now the title,
made sense. Good luck to the happy, beautiful couple.
Thank you Hubster and Sista Wife
not only for your order for being such amazing friends!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Highschool and Marlene Williams

I met at hobby lobby one of my favorite teachers, Marlene Williams. 
She had so much to do with my writing and my love for words and English. 
I always loved to read but she inspired something in me that no one else 
had ever brought out. I told her that today.
 I told her how because of what she taught
and how she did so, words are now so significant to me.
 I am writing a book partly because of her and I hope 
when I finish it, I can give her a copy signed, 
one that she will know she played a part in my "village".
What did she teach me? To think of the English language as an art 
not just words on a paper. To read not only what the page says
but to have an enquiring mind, to go beyond the words,
to think of what the author was portraying. 
The book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee
was one she had us read. It has become one of my all time favorites
and I do believe I have read it 20 times.
After we read the book, talking about it every day for a few
weeks, she had us do a project on the book.
I can remember it being my first time at trying a miniature
diorama. With the help of my Dad, we made two homes,
with a fence in the middle. One was Scout's the other her 
neighbor that everyone feared.
It was real to me, I took the details of Scout's words
and put it into that diorama. Down to the tree swing in her yard.
I was so proud of it but a tad embarrassed to bring to school.
Peer pressure was still a thing in the 80's and I 
was embarrassed that they would laugh at it.
But I knew it was good, I felt the confidence in my project.
I brought it to school and what happened?
 She doted on it! Awed over it
and studied it in detail bringing out all the little features.
I also noticed she did not
just do this for my project, but all my peers.
I made an A.
 I now not only love and collect miniatures
but I build them and dollhouses.
 I have a feeling she did not know that either. 
How I looked forward to that hour class with her
and when I was able to have her a second year for
Literature I was so excited about it.
It was not just how she taught but how she 
didn't sweat the small stuff.
She laughed with us and also laughed at herself
when she made a mistake. She made us aware when
she was wrong,  teaching me that its okay to say
you made a mistake.
I felt that if an adult could do that, so could I
and I have. I keep a light spirited part of me alive
all the time. I play with the grandgirls, talk a lot
to my friends and family. Marlene was just a wonderful
all around wonderful person who loved teaching and 
loved her family. When she spoke of her boys
she not only lit up but could be heard saying.
"Oh my sweet little boys"
or other sweet things about her babies who were now in
high school like I was.
When talking to her at HL I was just so excited,
to share with her sweet grandson just how special she was
to me. I can see she was humbled. 
 She’s at hobby lobby with that grandson
 buying paint to paint a portrait of her first great grandchild. 
She is now entering my zone, painting. 
She was buying paints and showed me the picture 
of the beautiful child she was going to try and paint. 
I told her you’re not going to try, you will.
 It’s what she used to tell me when I was 16 years old.
 We exchange phone numbers as now she will send me her progress
 and I will encourage her to finish.
She is just as beautiful as she ever was and, although
maybe a tad embarrassed by my gloating,
she is smiling and truly shocked of what I am sharing
with them.
Because she follows me on Facebook
and I now have her number, yesterday I ask permission
to blog about my experience not only meeting her
but what she did for me so long ago. 
She texts back that she does not want to seem arrogant
but she also really is in shock that she made such an impact on me.
She asks to read my blogs and I give her the link.
Hours later I get a message from her:
"Just read your blogs. Loved everyone!
you have an "eye" for writing-
the details, the emotions you capture,
the sweetness for life..."
Now it is my turn to be humbled.
 To have one of your favorite teachers
 who inspired your writing say such nice things
about your work, well now I know how she felt at
Hobby Lobby. 
We will stay in touch. I have loved and thought of this
woman so many times in my life.
 I still aspire to be half of the mentor
 to someone as she was to me.
 I also pray that my grand girls will be blessed with such a teacher
 that they will feel a spark when they see that teachers somewhere as an adult.
 Maybe I will be that spark in them 
or their mom. dad, maw- maw. actually anybody
and everybody who is in their life, all of us, 
the whole village that helps in rearing them.
The way I did when I took what I needed 
from the classes of Marlene Williams.
 She may not be someone I see every day
 but she will always be someone, when I see her, I will approach.
 It was a good day!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Becoming a Minimalist

I live comfortable,
pay my bills on time, etc.
However, lately I have began to think
of how many things in my life that I could 
do without. Then I have watched a few videos
of others who are doing a 2020 Minimal year.
It seems like such a cool challenge and although
I have always been known to never live above my means,
I don't care about what I drive as long as it is dependable
and get me from point A to point B.
I am not a big jewelry person and have had the same purse
for three years. Although I buy clothing I like,
it is usually from Walmart or Stage. 
I guess what I am trying to say is even though
I can be called cheap.... no lets use frugal,
there are still things I can save on.
After watching a you tube video on ideas
for the year of Minimalism, even I have come up with 
many things I can change in my life to save.
I keep adding to the list in my head and
it has actually become like a game.
Here are a few things I have began or will begin.
1) Keep tract of where every penny goes.
 I started an old fashioned ledger as how many 
times I have cash in my wallet and next thing I know
it is empty and I can't tell you where it went.
Saving and documenting every receipt, charge I make.
2) Will begin ordering most groceries via Amazon.
It is a thing they do, you shop on their site and they sent
it to you for a great price, you can earn money as well shopping
there. If I don't put myself in Walmart, I won't have a basket
full of things I don't need and it is free shipping delivered
straight to your door.
3) Magazines and books.
I am crazy for these two things. I cannot go into a Barnes without
buying my favorite magazines and a few books.
Having a true library in my home proves I love these things.
Yet, when I get them home, I have found I normally don't really
look at them thoroughly. I can find most these same books and
mags. for free on their own site or the library app called LIBBY.
4) Gas prices.
I have never cared what the gas was, if I needed gas I tanked up.
This year will take advantage of lower prices and get gas 
when it is cheap even when I may not be on E.
5) Clothing.
I have enough clothes in enough sizes that I probably could 
go the rest of my life without buying another piece.
Most days I am home painting so I don't dress up or 
need great clothes for that. Except for under garments
will not be buying any clothes this year and at the end
of the year, getting rid of all those things I have either worn
out or have not worn this year.
6) Possessions
Okay, this will be my hard part. I love all my collections and
it is very hard for me to rid myself of any of my treasures.
However, I don't need to add to any of these collections
this year. Also I don't need more than one of something.
Also if I don't use it, then I will sell it.
7) Lighting
I am so fortunate that where I live, all my utilities including
garbage, water, gas, electricity, are on one bill.
I will remember to shut off lights which I am terrible at.
Instead of washing clothing daily just to have none dirty,
won't wash unless I have a full load.
I like my Cottage cool. I warm it up when the grandgirls
come to visit, but when I am home alone, fireplace and
wall heater to be used instead of the heater unless very cold.
I can put on a sweater, use a blanket, wear warmer clothing.
8) Insurances
I have looked at all my policies and made changes as I 
have always been one to be overinsured. Made minimal changes
and have saved over 500 dollars per 6 months.
9) cable, internet and phones
I called to cancel my cable because I rarely watch tv
and when I do, it is usually Netflix, Hulu or Youtube.
However when I called and told them my plan, 
they found me a plan. Cable for under 30 dollars a month
for a year and even gave me more channels. 
This is for a year so I will be calling yearly to cancel cable.
10) Eating out
I don't do much fast food unless I have the grandgirls.
But there are times I do drive through because I just
don't feel like fixing anything. This year,
with the help of my air fryer, I am going to cook for myself.
I will still eat out with friends and family if it means
spending time with those I love but no more 
eating out by myself.
This is the beginning of becoming a Minimalist and
I am sure I will find other ways but starting this way
and at the end of the year, want to see just how much money
I have saved! 
Jump on the band wagon! 
and if you are not interested in doing, then support others
by giving ideas on other ways to save.
This may be the first New Years resolution I actually keep!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Meeting Colette through the home portraits.

I don't just paint houses.
I don't just paint portraits of houses.
I paint homes on slate, covered with old sheet music
that I pray and go through over 30 books 
until I find the perfect piece for the client I am working for.
The best part of the whole experience for me,
is getting to meet the people that I paint for, learning
about why this home is important to them or
why they are giving this painting as a gift to someone.
When they come to the cottage to pick up their piece,
often it ends with a tour of my special little home
and lots of stories. You would think I would tire
from these visits but I never do. 
As much as I love my own company, staying in and painting,
I love meeting people and each one who orders from
me becomes a friend.
With all that said, let me get to the meat of this blog.
I had the pleasure of painting another home portrait for 
Kirsten Clebert. 
The first time it was she and her Hubby who picked up 
their first piece. Although we talked for some time,
somehow they got away without my tour of the cottage.
On Monday, however Kirsten came to pick up her second
painting with her 11 year old daughter, Colette.
Having been a school nurse for 11 years and with
the first 21 years of my nursing career, having been 
involved with the health of children.
So many children are not very interested in adults or
their conversations. Some say it is because of internet
and the growth of technology happening in their lives.
Yet whatever the reason is not the cause for this post.
It is about a young preteen girl, Colette.
She comes in with her Mother, a petite little child
with the most beautiful eyes not only in color
but in how they engage in the things around her.
Kirsten and she come in to the kitchen and they
both hug me. They view the painting and share their
love for it. Then Colette and I begin talking and she
asks questions about things she sees in the cottage.
"Let me give you the tour"
I am in my element. I never tire from telling the stories
of my own home. We walk in and with each thing
I point out, I see this child's amazement in her eyes.
I tell her the story of My Miss Beasley and having 
had cancer and she hugs her Mom and I see she it
a little teary eyed. She asks questions of things she sees,
She loves the studio, says she would live in there,
I explain I almost do. Just a sweet little child
who has the sweetest disposition.
After about a half hour talking and touring,
she touches me in a way I did not expect from an 11 year old.
We are in my foyer and I am showing them my little closet behind my
fireplace. She looks me in the eye (another thing, by the way, most 
children won't do right up there with ignoring adults)
and asks me a simple question:
"Do you ever get lonely living here by yourself?"
What a sweet thought from a child who sees all the 
things I love but has empathy for a woman she just met
who lives alone. She is hugging her Mother again as I 
answer her that No, I don't because I like my own company
and I have my three grandgirls and many friends and 
family. She is nodding her head as I answer the 
question, almost like she is relieved, like she
truly cared about me being lonely.
Her Mother then shares how Colette was going to a friends 
home for two days and she kept asking her Mother if she 
would be lonely all by herself.
That she would have stayed home rather than have her Momma
being home and lonely.
I love this child, I barely know her and I love her.
To have a thoughtful heart for others, I 
pray that the village helping with
the grand girls, along with their great parents, continue
the job to raising healthy and engaged little teens. 
Sweet Colette.
I know if it were not for the home portraits I may have
never met her or her parents.
This is what my art work does, it brings me so much joy, it
brings me a way to meet
so many new people and such wonderful sweet children.
With that comes the realization that this next
 generation may be different from ours
but they will also have many young adults, raised by
wonderful parents,
who will be a great contribution to our society.
I give her Mother "Kudo's" when I ask for permission
to write this blog.
Keep up the good work you guys and always be
thankful that you were chosen by the Big Man 
to raise such a wonderful child.
I hope to be friends with this little family for the rest of my days.


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...