Saturday, August 24, 2019


A few months ago, I was commissioned to 
paint a gift for a man who was very special to my 
neighbor and friend, Rhett.
His home was the first home portrait I painted
and although I have gotten better over time,
he and his coworkers wanted a painting of
St. John Church to give to their dear friend, Medric.
He had retired from their work facility but
has made such an impression on so many who he 
worked with, that they wanted to honor him 
with one of my portraits.....What an honor for me as well
Of course I said......YES.
.... and then I panicked!
"I can't paint that church, it's so big and beautiful"
"I am not that good, I don't even know where to start"
So many doubts in my head.
I do not know Medric except to tell you 
that he plays the piano at St. John school mass when I 
go to meet the grand girls. I see him walking around
the St. Clement school church, talking to so many,
a well known man who after retiring from the bank,
 started working at ST. John Church.
"Why did I take this one on? Out of my comfort zone"
My mind kept telling me.
So, I did what I always do when I am overwhelmed with something,
I said a rosary on the "Momma Rosary".
The next day, I picked out old music sheets that pertained
to what this church would represent to this very special man
and I began to sketch then paint.
When I tell you, I surprised myself on this one, well understatement.
This is not to brag. I have confidence in my work
but this one, by far is the one I am most proud of.
I know The Big Man led my hand.
I would paint a little bit, walk away, come back to it
a few hours later or the next day and think
"Did I do that?"
It was surreal and when it was all finished, I was so 
very proud to put my name on this one, my logo
My dear friend and neighbor, Mrs. Shirley, came
over and saw it on my counter, she exclaimed just how beautiful it was
and when I told her the story as to who it was for 
she replied,
"You know he has a collection of Nuns?"
NOOOOO I did not, but I did then so, just like I add
special things to each home portrait, I added
a nun under glass to his piece.
Rhett picked it up and brought it to their work place and
he and his work friends loved it.
Then I waited, they had ordered it for Medric's birthday 
and I finished it in May and his bday was in August.
I knew I could not post it until after he received the gift.
Often I thought of this painting, I showed it privately to many
just waiting for the gift to be given.
Yesterday was that day, and the response, the 
writing on Facebook from Mr. Medric,
the outpouring of positive support on my own Facebook post
has been overwhelming. 
I say today, this piece will always be one of my favorites.
This piece, if asked to paint it again through orders,
I wonder if I would be able to do it again.
Thank you Rhett and Co Workers for having the confidence
in me to think I could do this beautiful church, a landmark 
in Plaquemine, justice.
For challenging me and to the Big Man for giving me
enough confidence to give it a try.

Forever grateful for this talent I have once again found! 
Although my list of orders for home portraits keeps growing,
I am hoping to get the chance to do this one again!

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