Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Sister C and I, met up with Gypsy baby and her wife, Del 
on Monday night. The conversation was good,
yet sometimes turned to things I know little about.
Giving my opinion on politics or religion is
hard as I still wear my rose colored glasses
and still want to see the best in everyone.
I also am a firm believer in
"When someone has a complaint everyone hears it,
but when someone has something good to share they
tend to keep it to themselves. 
I read this post my friend, Camille put on facebook and
I thinks just how real this statement is.
On Monday we talked about what might be after this life.
I share that sometimes I get afraid of leaving this world.
"What if there is nothing after?"
I am not afraid so much of leaving the world but if
my family, my grandgirls will have enough memories to 
sustain me in their hearts, will my children continue to speak
of me after I am gone?
I am reminded of just a few days before, without even thinking
I make a phone call to a dear friend who 
lost her son that morning. I did not think of how hard
that phone call would be, had I, I would have probably texted instead.
I didn't think because I knew I had to speak to her, 
hear her voice, hear her cry, give her words to help her 
through this miserable time.
Sister C, reminds me over her visit just how special I am
to so many. I "Harumph" her away.
"I would never have the courage to call a Mother who lost her son."
Yet I try so hard to do those things that are hard to do,
calling friends I have not spoken to in forever,
being there for my besties, trying to bring out the
best in my children and grand girls without
being too soft. I remember to be silly and a tad weird.
It is who I am, I laugh deep belly laughs at my poor Boo
when he tells me things that he does not see funny.
Well until I have to apologize for my laughter and he laughs too.
He and I discuss tattoo's and I say to him that I just can't see
myself getting one and he says,
"Naw that would mess with your aura"
I often tell him I am such a terrible girlfriend, don't know why
he keeps me around.....
One day he may share why he does, until then I will try
and keep my belly laughs to a minimum.
Then there are the house portraits I have been blessed to do.
With each one, I learn wonderful things, make new friends,
talk of deep things that are hard to talk about and 
I thank my higher power that I am comfortable sharing 
thoughts on hard topics. As I continue to write this book,
I am remembering, finding out so many things about myself.
I will end with the beginning, read what Anthony Hopkins 
so perfectly said and make it something to live by.
Laugh, love, listen, do ...
all those things that make you, you.

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