Friday, May 17, 2019

Different views on Treasures...

Yes, this happened yesterday....
My Antique Bubble Gum machine that held my buttons,
got knocked down, glass ball broke and
Buttons, Buttons, everywhere.
Vacuuming and the hose knocked it over.
My first reaction was, yes......
Because that one hurt.
I bought this old bubble gum machine about 10 years ago
at an antique store, had always wanted one and they 
are not easy to find at a price I can afford, so it was a good find.
A few years ago it stopped working so I turned
it into a Button holder.
My second thought was a conversation myself and
DaBoo had just last weekend.

As he enjoys adding to my collection of McCoys Pottery,
he had recently found and added to my collection a few
unique pieces and I was saying I was going to use them.
"You should not use your collections as they could get broken."
Was his response. I realize many have this thought.
Not only does he enjoy adding to this collection but 
finding one of a kind pieces is his favorite.
My thought are different, I explained this to DaBoo.
" What good is having something if you don't use it?
If it gets broken, I will be sad, but using my things
makes me happy. When I die I can't take it with me
but every time I let the grand girls play with my
expensive miniature collection and see their happiness,
memories being made, I am happy.
Every morning when I use my McCoy on my coffee station
I have in the cottage, it makes me happy,
Every time I bake something and it is mixed in a McCoy bowl,
It makes me happy" I also swear by it tasting better.
I didn't change his mind about my views of course,
but he at least knows where I stand.
So, when the bubble gum machine broke, 
my second thought was about the DaBoo and I's conversation
and that maybe he was right.
Yet, as I began to pick up all the buttons, separating
glass from buttons, I realized that this broken glass
would not be wasted as I create with broken glass
beautiful pieces of art. I realized just how many buttons I had
that were not being used down at the bottom of that machine.
Memories of the grandgirls playing in the buttons while
I painted came to mind. When they were in the machine,
they were not able to go through them, finding their favorites,
separating the colors, giving them a fun time while I painted.
We were together in the studio, spending time together,
talking while we all were enjoying our time.
Memories being made.
All of this being positive, but it did not change the fact that
my wonderful bubble gum machine was "Ka-put".
Then I had this idea....
It will become a bird bath in my yard,
or I will use it for a climbing vine. It will be used.
As I began painting later that day,
I realized, I needed that little bit of extra space in the
studio, it is so crowded and I have just a little more space.
So my opinion on using collections, antiques remain the same.
While I respect DaBoo's beliefs, I continue to wear
my rose colored glasses.
I can't take these things with me where I am going after
this life but I can leave memories with those I love.

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