Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Triple J lemonade stand grand opening...

It has taken me some time to write this blog
had it 2018 grand opening, Saturday.
New Location, Mumsies' front yard.
The two big Grand Girls slept over on Friday to 
get ready for the big day.
They don't just sit behind the stand and pour lemonade.
No, they help their Mumsie, bake, decorate their cupcakes,
make lemonade and count their change
They are avid Entrepreneurs!

(excuse the roughness of the Mumsie, the early morning of Saturday)
As most days of my life, something happens to touch me.
Saturday was no different. I wrote a blog last year
about my sweet Motherly neighbor Mrs. Shirley,
who grandson, in the floods last year, lost
everything including all the books and toys of his
one year old daughter, Lily.
When I brought this up to the Grand Girls, Bean, especially
they wanted to donate all their earnings of last year,
every penny they were raising for spending money at Disney
to this sweet little girl. I was blown away, touched
by their kindness and as Bean said
"Mumsie, ALL HER BOOKS?"
I got it, I explained to them I would match whatever they gave.
...and what a difference that small donation made to that
young family. They wrote the best story on Facebook 
about Triple J Lemonade.
The girls thought it was not a hard decision,
I was proud of their big hearts.
The story continues this year.

Their were my little grand girls, enjoying the most beautiful day
selling their lemonade for dollars with many customers leaving tips
once Bean counted out their change, 
(always trying to teach them something lol)
When we were lucky enough to have Mrs. Shirley's daughter
visit the stand, She does not live here and was only here
because the night before, she and her sisters had gone
to a wedding the night before.
She makes her order, and reminds us that it is
She hands Bean a hundred dollar bill and wants no change.
Their Dad was their visiting at the time and we both
said, "No way, that's too much money!"
(as Bean held that bill tightly....)
Then she tells a story that leaves me unable to talk due to
being choked up with emotion.
She reminds the grand girls of the good deed they did
last year when they "paid if forward" and gave their
hard earned money to a little girl named Lily.
She is my granddaughter, and we took that Triple J money
and bought little Lily new books and some of her favorite
toys that were ruined in the flood.
Her grandmother tells my little girls,
"What y'all donation did for us, was more than what
the money bought, you girls made us see how much
good is still in the world, that money brought hope and 
happiness to my son and his family"
This may have been a little more than the grand girls could
comprehend with Bean saying while clutching that bill
"Yeah, Mumsie!"
But myself and their Dad understood it and I allowed
them to keep the money.
Thanks to all my wonderful neighbors in
others that the girls flagged down,
they made the most they have ever made before 
and never complained about the work only about how 
long it had been since a car had stopped to shop.
Another thank you to "daboo" who built the
very best stand ever.
The new location, in front yard, helped sales quite a bit.
We can't wait until schools end so we can open often.
Pay it Forward Day another success and although
they say they are NOW saving for Disney spending
I've no doubt if the opportunity comes up,
they will donate all proceeds once again with their 
big hearts all in.

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