Sunday, May 13, 2018


An unconventional Mothers Day Blog
First Happy Mothers Day to my Momma....

For the last few weeks I have been missing my Dad.
The Last three Collins Girls were raised by Daddy,
of course it was a village including my Mom
and my older sisters, but Dad had the day to day events.
Which brings me to this post that I have been thinking lots of lately.

The Boo, he works a lot... Long hours and because he is 
a Bachelor, living alone, when I go to his home I like
to help out by straightening up, helping where I can.
It is a known fact that aside from Laundry....
(I HATE Laundry)
I love housework, Love it!
So Yesterday morning, as I loaded dishwasher,
my thoughts went so far back to my younger days,
when Daddy was the day parent.

Our Home was always, always filled with People,
Sisters coming home with their own families,
friends of older siblings, fishing buddies of my Dads
sleeping anywhere they could find a spot so they
could wake up early to go fishing with the 
old Freddie Collins who always knew the best spots.

Dad loved to cook for a gang, on any given day,
we could have over 15 people over for fried fish,
french fries homemade style. He loved to cook but
he hated the cleaning part, hated it.
Our house was not a filthy one, but it was
definitely had a clutter-filled messiness.
Even back in those days, I loved cleaning and organizing,
my room was always being cleaned by me, my linens
that featured Hollie Hobbie sheets, were always being

On those nights that my parents filled the house with food 
and laughter, the kitchen was left in a mess. 
I would wait for everyone to go to bed....
and I would start my magic.
We had no dishwasher, so every dish, pot was hand washed,
dried and picked up. The cabinet tops were organized and
clutter was removed. Some summer nights I was up
late into the night doing what I loved, cleaning house.
In the days of my younger years, I would pretend
I was married with a home full of children as I cleaned.
I would pretend talk to imaginary kids, I always stood
at the sink standing on one foot with the other
hinged up on my knee, having Dad tease me
about my being a Stork.

After those long nights of cleaning, my Dad would awaken
and always pretend he was so surprised at how the
kitchen mess he went to bed to, was cleaned to perfection.
I was always tickled each morning as he almost always
said the same thing...
"AGAIN!!!! Looks like the Kitchen Fairy visited our house again!"
and I would beam, always proud of the feat I had accomplished.

And so on this Mothers Day of 2018,
I honor my Mother but I also honor my Daddy
who was our stay home parent and one of the best "Moms"
that I was always proud to call mine!
Happy Mothers Day to all you Momma's out there,
No matter what kind you are!

Pictures of that old Kitchen I Just loved, 
and the parental, working in Dad's garden.

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