Friday, December 1, 2017


If you know anything about me, you know 
my mind is always full of thoughts and questions,
R calls it squirrels as sometimes they throw me completely off
the task at hand, yet it is who I am. 
So this blog will be full of "squirrels"
Yesterday before picking up Jemma-Jemma at daycare
to go get her Daddy at airport I took a little time to read
in my FLOW magazine. (highly recommended)
It is a magazine full of deep thoughts and paper lover dreams.
The particular article I was reading was speaking of how
we are just too busy in this world. We just don't take the time
to just be, to do nothing but maybe read a book, journal without
the guilt of not be doing something 24/7.
Then this Morning the bestie, Laurie says that our daily
devotional that us three bestie all have, thanks to Laurie
is a good one. Ironically it is based lots on the one I read yesterday.
Yes, it is a good reading. I decide today, it will be the way
I begin each day from now on, reading the same devotional
the besties are reading. 
I think of how when we are young, we just can't wait to grow
up, grow out of our parents home,
But never is life more content, more peaceful than when
you are a child and you have no worries.
No bills to pay, no worries as to where the food will come from,
you just know the table will have it there.
No worries about how the lights work, how the home stays warm.
I remember one specific day, and I am not sure why this
one always comes to memory. 
I am about 14 and at my sister Rosie's home.
I am laying down in the grass by my brother in laws boat.
I am watching a lady bug do it lady bug thing.
I am at peace, have no hurry to move,
I watch the clouds, I think of where my life may be going,
I don't know how long I stayed there but I often think
that I wish I could appreciate those days again.
It will be my 2018 resolution, to spend a little more time
just being. Not rushing to get "it all done in record time"
I am fortunate. I am retired, have a comfortable cottage I call my own.
Money, although not rich, I have what I need.
I want to look at my crafting hours as not time playing but
time of importance. I want to have the peace of a child,
where the worries of life are just not something I even 
know I need to worry about.
I am sure I will falter but it will be my goal for 2018,
to just be.
Thanks Bestie, for the reminder of
"a good reading this morning"

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