Friday, December 8, 2017


There are many days, many that I miss
getting up, dressing in my nursing scrubs and
joining my fellow medical pals for a day of
hard earned work. To come home at the end of the day,
bone tired, back aching but knowing you did a good thing,
you helped a lot of people by getting out there and working,
you helped lots of children in your 8 hours of work.
You would think, being an early retiree, I wouldn't miss it,
but I do.
Then there are these days, days like today,
when you get the first call at 330am from the gypsy baby
saying its snowing. My first thought is,
"Something happened" 
NO, just that it's snowing. I am thinking three flakes 
and tell her I'm too warm to get up and then go back to sleep.
Two hours later the boo is calling....
Now if the Boo is calling at 530am, something is worth waking for.
I go into my front window and OMG
I excitedly bundle up, trying to find
snow gear in south Lousiana is a "needle in a haystack"
adventure... But I get it done
(thanks Randy for having me buy wet boots)
and I am like a kid in a toy store!!!!
My neighbors begin to awaken, iPhones in hand,
all doing what I am, capturing the moment.
I call Kd for the girls to awake as I know they have never
seen snow like this before.
Now I am in my living room, shades pulled back with
the view of snow coming down hard once again,
coffee in hand, fireplace lit.
No Tv needed, the entertainment is outside my front window.
Then I think of all my dear ones, 
the Bestie going to work at the bank,
the other at Ochsner with her hubby for md appt.
The Boo who has to sometimes work outside in 
blustery weather such as this,
And I am thankful this morning.
Thankful that I am able to stay warm and bundled here 
on my sofa watching the snow come down hard now,
 Oliver asleep beside me.
Because of early retirement I am able to savor this 
very beautiful snow day in my warmed PJ's 
with no where more important to be but right here, right now.
I will remember this day for a long time coming...

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