Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bravery comes in many forms....

I've this dear friend, Alli Cook.
We always knew each other having been raised in 
the same town of Golden Meadow, all 7 miles of it.
She was a year behind me in school so we didn't know 
each other well. We became good friends when she started
dating one of Ronnie's friends who was our neighbor back in 1984.
We were all so young and spent lots of time together.
Then she got pregnant and asked me to be Godmother.
I take being a God Parent serious, not one who just
gives gifts on holidays. When I accept this, I will be
part of that child's life forever, I will be willing
to pick up the pieces of their parents if, God forbid, died.
So I said yes to her after much thought. 
She miscarried that first sweet baby and
we were both so sad. She was born to be a Mother.
Then just less than a year later she was pregnant again 
and I became the Nannie to her son, Ricky.
Her marriage and my marriage have both ended, 
our friendship has not.
I blog of her today because today, she will undergo 
ANOTHER surgery on her elbow, hopefully last
of many. She is one of the bravest women I know as
she puts forth 100 percent after every surgery
to try and get full or the best function of that elbow
as possible. She battles anesthesia, pain, physical therapy,
machines to stretch atrophied muscles, gives all and more
and yet, it still will not give her the elbow she was born with.
Each surgery she was optimistic that this would be her last.
She tells me last nigh on the phone, this one
truly is her last, she just can't do it again.
As we hang up, I telling her how proud I am of her,
how much I love her and her bravery.
I don't know many people who could undergo so much 
pain and recovery not once, not twice, but ELEVEN TIMES!
So today, I ask all to remember this brave woman in thoughts 
and prayer if that is your thing.
I know she will handle this one in true Alli fashion, believing
God is in control. If you ever wonder what bravery looks like,
I am posting a picture of the one dear friend I know who
is the "BOSS" of it!
That man beside her? her love, her rock her Husband.
He is part of what makes her so brave and strong.
Thanks Bryan for always taking care of my friend
in a manner she deserves.
Last one Alli, I love you!

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