Friday, November 17, 2017


There are lots you hear of Private/Catholic school.
Some positive, some negative.
Private school is not a necessity and not right for everyone.
My two of the three grand girls go to
St. John Catholic School.
Bean in first grade,
JOJO in preK 3.
This is the school where KD, their Mom
and most of her family have graduated from as
well as all the cousins who go there now.
Yesterday was book fair day.
I love me a good Scholastic book fair.
I drive up to the school and as I
am walking to the front office, I hear,
"Hi, Ms. Lilly"
Its one of KD's little cousins, now in high school.
Then I head to the office to sign in.
"Morning Mumsie, you don't have to sign in..."
How do they know I am Mumsie?
While heading to the library to wait for Bean's class
it is what I am thinking.
In the library is JOJO's paraprofessional.
"Hey Mumsie, JOJo invited me to come sleep at
your house last week. She told me all about your cat,
your bunk beds that has 'free' (three) beds"
I am beaming as so many know who I am.
The librarian and her helper starts also
telling stories that the grand girls have
shared with those who teach at St. John.
"Oh, we know about the craft you share with he girls,
we know you have a library, a red piano
and a cat name Oliver."
"You don't live in a house, you live in a cottage
just like the three bears and Goldilocks!"
I am feeling very special by now.
Bean and her class enter the library and she and
a few of her classmates come to give 'Mumsie" a hug.
Her teacher, Ms. Jaimie says,
"Hey Mumsie, I know so much about you,
Everything we do, Jilly makes it about Oliver, the cat"
I smile big, my heart overflowing for this little
Bean, her baby sister who sleeps a few doors down
in her PreK class and a school that not only knows
me and all the other family members of the Riera/Guilbeau
clan but everything about us.
I am so proud of Kd and BB for making the
sacrifice to send their little girls to this school.
It is not a cheap sacrifice but I know they work
hard so those girls can have this type of education.
 I realize that this day is one of
many I will be able to share with the grand girls
at this wonderful school  of St. John.
Where everyone knows my name,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the compliments Mrs. Lily. One of the greatest things about our little school is the feeling of family that we all share...we are sooooo glad to have the Riera/Guilbeau families be a part of the Eagle family! Glad you enjoyed your visit, Mumsie!


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