Monday, October 23, 2017


Approximately 12 years ago, I sat in a meeting
as a school nurse where I was assigned at the time.
The child in question was a three and a half year old
little girl who had been pretty sick since birth
and now was adjusting to medical issues that would
be part of her life following a Small Bowel, Pancreatic,
liver transplant as a baby. 
Her condition was nothing simple,
she would need a nurse numerous times of the day
to help with those things she could not do.
As her Mother and Grandmother argued their point
as to the reasons this child should be in school
and the school was leary as to at 3 1/2 year old,
with so many medical issues was ready for Pre K.
There was lots of fear on the side of the teachers.
I sat quietly and listened. Her Mom at one point
made a statement to the fact,
"I know the records and her medical needs seem
scary to you all but you have not met Bailey yet,
she is just a little girl who wants and needs school."
Since that day this Mother has always
been admired by me.
.Being the voice and advocate for this
child since she was born ill with a twin brother
who was more than healthy, I have believed
it is due to this Mother and the "village" she has
allowed to help her that Bailey has done so well.
After talk had gone around the table a few times
I was asked my opinion.
My point was,  I feel like all Bailey needs medically
can be met here and on a personal note,
Having also been a child who grew up with
chronic illness known as cancer,
Had my parents not fought for me to be in school,
I would not right now be sitting at this table as
a nurse arguing this point. I say let her in."
A few wet eyes and the decision was made.
Since that day, and the 5 years that I was her
"Nurse Lilly"
She has been my hero.
She is now a smart, funny, beautiful 15 year old.
A child who is now a teenager who has
learned to care for her medical needs all on her own.
Who has far exceeded all of our expectations,
Whose Mother remains her biggest fan,
her advocate, making sure her little girl always
gets what is her right to have.
It is years now that I have retired,
yet the bond between Bailey and I have remained strong.
I have to be honest in saying she is actually
much better than I on keeping in touch,
Facetiming and texting me a few times each week.
So that is the background of this blog.
Saturday is homecoming, Saturday is Bailey's birthday.
Saturday is even a bigger deal because My sweet Bailey
has been nominated for HOMECOMING COURT!
The only Freshman to be nominated!
She is so very excited, it would be a big deal for 
any child yet, for this child, something that perhaps
she never believed would be part of her high school years.
While I speak of her excitement, I want to take
a little time to say how very excited I am for her 
Momma. An accomplishment that maybe she never thought
her dear child would experience while she argued 
for just equality for her.
Her excitement to do the whole homecoming thing,
Hair, nails, dress, date....
and now, the court.
Yes, this child so deserves this feat, probably more than most.
Her Mother deserves this coming Friday as they prepare
for the big day.
I want to say to my Bailey:
"My sweet girl, since the very first day I met you,
I felt a bond to you. We did not have the same
medical issues, but we were chronically ill children
who beat the odds and won Life.
Not only am I so very happy that you are getting
to enjoy all these normal things of the teen years,
but I remain one of your biggest fans.
You have seen so much in your 15 short years of life
and now you are getting to experience those things
that many people take for granted, the
'normal' teen years.
So on Saturday evening, as you stand, on your birthday,
with your peers as they announce the winner of the court,
know that you are already a winner.
 You have been since the day
you were born. Whether you come home with the crown 
or not, you, my dear child, are and will always be
the Queen in my heart.
I love you my sweet B, enjoy all this night has to offer!"
Oh, and happy birthday!

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