Saturday, October 21, 2017


Most know I do repurposing scrap art,
some may not know I also teach the art to
tweens. Lots happens at these classes and
it is not just art.
This Thursday, was one of those days.
My sweet student, 11 is talking to me about
her grades.
"I've done really bad in Math, but Ms. Lilly,
I don't need that stuff they want us to learn,
like when will I ever go to Walmart and use
I use an analogy on her that I use in many 
instances. The "Lilly Theory of building a foundation."
After she blows off her steam I tell her,
"You are so very right, you will never go to 
Wally World and use fractions but how often
do you think of the cement, the foundation 
under your house?"
"What??" she asks me, wondering what this
has to do with Math."
"Right we don't think of foundations much but
if the foundation of a home, a relationship.
even the Math that seems so useless,
is not built strong, they will fall."
She is quiet while absorbing this in.
"If the things you are learning now are not 
learned then you cannot build on it to get to 
the part of Math that you will use daily as you get
deeper in to the important stuff."
I think I may have gotten through to her a tad.
We then go on, making our art, eating popcorn
(this gal loves some popcorn)
We have a great afternooon.
After she leaves I wonder if she will keep
what we said in her little mind,
did it make a difference.
I go into the bathroom after class is over.
There on my bathroom chalkboard is a message
from none other than my little student:

Of course I've heard this saying before but never
directed solely to me.
More than art, happens at the studio 
of Mummies' Cottage!

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