Friday, March 17, 2017


At the same time I am using the analogy of
"feeling like a juggler with two many pins in the air"
my business, MUMSIES COTTAGE
has begun to take on a life of its own.
Just in the last few weeks, I have been commissioned
to make a scrapbook for a Fathers Day gift,
signed three children on for lessons,
and working with a baby boutique to make cards for them.
With all of this on the burner, three grand girls, my kiddo's
and a relationship I am giving my all  
I am trying to come up with a work system for working 
from home. Which leads me to this blog.
I have read a most interesting article addressing just this.
And now, I know beginning Monday,
(as my weekend is filled with my boo)
I will only work in the studio.
I will work four hours each morning dressed for success.
I will take a lunch break for half an hour
and enter back for another 4.
I will work half days on Friday.
Once, again talking about the juggling...
I know I am not giving enough time to some of the pins.
My DTB family and friends have not seen enough of me.
My thibodaux family I made for myself in the 10 years
I lived there, also does not see enough of me.
I am still working on this juggling act.
I pray that all who know me and love me
give me a little forgiveness for the things I am not doing
so well in. I want this business to thrive but not at
the cost of taking important pins out of the juggling.
However, some things have to be removed, for my health
as well as that there is just not enough time in the days, weeks,
months. I will figure it all out in time but for now.
I will give this Mummies Cottage business a little more
time in the air, I need this for my health and I am
just going to have to get a little selfish for a bit.
Love to all!

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