Thursday, March 30, 2017


"Why Daisies?"
He, the boo asked one day when I am thanking
him for sending me a bouquet of my very favorite flowers.
Before knowing my favorite, he had sent Lilies and Roses.
I love all flowers, especially those grown and cut from the yard.
The last bouquet he graced me with, he knew me well enough
to let the florist know (she shared this info. with me)
not to arrange them as I like arranging my flowers myself.
How he does this, remembers all these little things I may
say or do that he does not forget..... IDK but it is why he is MY BOO!
So back to the original question,
"Why Daisies?"
Here is my answer.....
A little tyke in the hospital, battling cancer,
One memory.... Daisies from my Uncle Luke and Aunt Tim,
often. but not from a florist, picked and brought from
his yard. My hospital room usually had lots of flowers,
but the ones brought by Uncle Luke were always my favorite.
They were not arranged fancy like the florist bought ones.
My eyes often, as a young child, laying in that bed,
were drawn to those daisies.
I have sporadic memories of the years I fought cancer,
this memory, one of my favorites.
As I got older, when visiting my Uncle and Aunt,
I noticed that daisies always grew in abundance between
a narrow patch of dirt between the house and the drive.
I never left without a handful of them.
I always loved putting these daisies in my bedroom, having
them sit there and even then I realized the beauty
of what one small group of fresh flowers can bring to a room.
Now, I try and keep fresh flowers in my cottage as 
often as I can. 
Back to the daisies. When I would see the daisies at my 
Uncle's home I would like to believe he planted them for me,
only me, his baby niece who was fighting a battle that
seemed I would not win. I never asked him if that was 
the case, because I want to still believe that was the reason
they grew there.
As a teen, I was going over there to pick Uncle Luke's daisies
so often that my Dad went and dug up a few plants and
planted them for me in our own flowerbeds.
Each spring, my room was filled with them.
Now I am an adult, daisies still give me that warm feeling
they did way back when.
This past weekend, me and the boo went to Whole Foods
where there were real daisies, traditional in color,
white with yellow centers, Shasta Daisies and I just
had to have some as all of the ones I planted in my yard last
year died. I pick out four beautiful plants, the last there were
and the Boo bought them for me...
and this is why it will always be Daisies...


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