Monday, March 6, 2017


This morning, while checking Facebook, they
remind me of this post I made 4 years ago, when
my own marriage was finding its end.
An older couple's obituary that I loved so much
I actually cut it out of the paper.
Seems after all those years of being together,
in death they were not to be separated,
dying within 24 hours of each other.
I do not know this couple nor their families.
I am not one to normally read the obits but this one
has always been close to my heart.
I wonder about their lives, being together and passing
in their 90's. I wonder how hard their lives may have been.
I wonder how many times they may have fought and
found their way back to the other.
I wonder how many times they kissed good morning 
and then good night,
I wonder how many nights they spent away from each
other and how hard that must have been.
The one thing I do not wonder, is this,
that even in death, they would rather leave this world
together, forging the next voyage of their lives together.
Such a touching story, even now four years later.
It is the type of love all of us should strive for,
it is the type of love, even through rough times
we should make marriages this important if in one.
The type of love we should be for another.
It is the type of love all should not settle for less.
Four years later, I am still in love,
with this couple, with what their story says to us all,
I want to be like them when I grow up....
If I ever grow up.....

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