Saturday, December 21, 2024

Many years ago, 2005 to be exact
I found myself in a school meeting to discuss
allowing a 3 year old physically challenged child into PreK.
The teachers were hesitant, she needed so much
 medical intervention that would be required daily.
We had not met this child yet and only knew 
of her through her Mother and Grandmother.
When it became my turn to speak I shared that had
someone not let me into school because of my childhood diagnosis
I would not be in the nursing position I am today.
It was agreed that she would begin school.
Oh what an impact Bailey Breaux and I had on each other.
this beautiful child entered our school and my heart on the very same day.
Twenty years later we are still close and important to each other.
Bailey was the recipient of a small bowel/liver transplant before the age of one.
Her life expectancy was unknown at that time and we 
bonded over the fact that my life was not promised either when I was a child.
Every day as I helped her with her medical needs I also shared
tidbits of my childhood with her. At Christmas I taught her songs
that she still sings to this day.
Now my Bailey is an adult and our relationship has changed to one of friendship.
At the age of 23, she is a para in a school helping other children.
She never forgets the young child whose parents gave her the gift of life.
Bailey has become an adult I admire for all she is and does.
I could go on and on forever about our relationship as it is that special.
However, It is the relationship she is sharing with her boyfriend that I want
to end this blog with.
Love has come into my B's life...
in the form of a young red headed man who is just as sweet as Bailey.
Although it is not her first relationship, it is the one that 
I believe, will last forever.
Kyle has shown Bailey what trust and love in a relationship looks like.
To see them together warms my heart to believing true love does exist.
Kyle not only tells Bailey how much he loves her in words,
but in his actions. Soon they are going to take the next step
in their relationship, having found an apartment for them to share.
Just like growing up was not a guarantee for her,
love was not either. Yet no one deserves this type of love more than Bailey.
As I watch their future plan out I am in awe of them both.
Makes me so very proud to be part of their lives, 
to see them together is to believe in true love again.
To my Bailey:
Go out into this big world and continue to move mountains
with Kyle by your side. Continue to shine bright as you always have
knowing I am here for you forever.
Kyle, thank you for loving Bailey in a way she deserves,
showering her with all the attention.
I have no doubt you two are going far! 
Love you both!


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