Tuesday, December 17, 2024



Yet for so many, it just isn't.
This became so prominent to me a few days ago
at the post office...
yes, the post office.
Its one of those things that I have to do a lot
due to my business, yet I complain about having to go.
I love my post masters, they are kind and helpful 
but its just one of those things that takes minutes
yet I kind of dread it.
Well, I did until last week.
I am waiting to mail a few packages to friends
and clients and in front of me is an elderly lady.
She is needing some help from the cute postmaster so I patiently wait.
She is dressed in mens jeans, a western type shirt,
sporting a cane. Her hair is long and grey 
put up in a bun style. 
I watch her as she moves about after being served
and I can see she is struggling.
It is now my turn to be helped.
I am quick at my task at hand and this 
little lady is still just at the door of the post office,
holding on to a railing slowly making her way.
I ask "Can I help you?"
She looks up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes.
"Oh, would you please?"
I take her arm and we slowly make our way 
to her car, an old Lincoln Continental in disarray.
On our slow trek, I learn its her knees.
They cause her a lot of pain and if it were not
that she had to get these bills in the mail 
she would still be at home.
I learn that she has children who live out of state:
"They want me to move there but I don't want to"
She assures me that once she get into her car
she will be fine.
"Are you sure, do you need me to bring you anywhere?"
She gives me the run down on what she will do.
"No, I am going to the drive thru at McDonald's 
to get lunch and then home, I will be fine."
I help her into her disheveled vehicle and she is 
so thankful for my help.
I watch her drive off slowly in the direction of McD"s
and I feel like I may cry.
I am almost tempted to follow her, see where she lives,
make sure she makes it home safely but I don't.
 She has a way of making me understand
the independence she still has is important to her.
I have thought of her just about every day since that trip.
It is this encounter that has me restarting my blog again.
One day I may be that little woman at the post office.
I pray that someone helps me if I need it but also
sees the independence I still need in my life.
It has made me hypersensitive to all those out there
this holiday season who has lost their spouse, a child,
The holidays are a wonderful time for many.
However there are still those out there that are struggling
and it is up to us to see and help when we can.
Merry Christmas to you all!

1 comment:

~ tedi rene b said...

So excited for this next chapter- I always loved reading your blogs, my lovely nanny!


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