Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A Christmas Miracle

In my line of work, I am blessed with many 
wonderful events and stories that I am able to hear and bring to clients.
This one is worth sharing in the spirit of Christmas.

Around Thanksgiving my friend, Teri asked if I could paint her
two Cardinals on slate for a friend of hers who had lost two of her three sons
and was having a really hard time.
As usual, I told her I would put it on my list.
However, this order I just could not stop thinking about.
What it would be like for me had I lost both my children in a matter of months.
It stayed with me days and kept me up nights.
Finally I texted Teri and asked a few questions, explained I just had to get it done
as it would not leave my heart.
As she filled me in on this family, these boys Mother,
the sketch came to my mind, two beautiful male cardinals hovering together.
Teri sent photos of the boys and their brother and Momma.
I knew I had made the right decision to get this piece done before Christmas.
We continued to text and I asked if she wanted music or not.
Teri's reply was " Artist choice"
I replied back, " I am sure the boys will lead me".
I then sat on the floor of my studio where I keep thousands 
of music sheets and hymn books.
I picked up the first hymn book and just opened it...
I was in awe, surprised at the hymn that was in my hand!
Yes the boys had led me and I tearfully knew now why 
this piece would not leave me.
Their Momma needed to know they were okay.

I finished the piece that same night.
I heard from their Mother via text after she received the gift.
From Cynthia:
"... you do not know what this means to me.
what a beautiful message my sons sent me through you.
I am having a difficult time during the holidays.
When i opened it and read your letter- I cried of course.
Finally a calm came over me and I feel so much better..."

How lucky I am to have found my calling once again
and to be able to bring peace to others in my work.

{Thanks you Teri and Cynthia for allowing me to share this story}

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