Thursday, January 20, 2022


 My Dad, for as long as I knew him awakened each morning at 4AM.

As a child, Just thought that is what Daddy's do,

as a teenager, I knew I had to be home before 4am or there would be trouble.

I often wondered why he would wake up so early even on days he

was not going fishing. 

Now, as I have blogged about many times, getting older myself

I finally understand it as I find myself up most morning at the crack of dawn.

Age never bothered me much, I was not one of those that regretted birthdays

or went into depression when I turned 40 or even 50.

Something happened when Simone died, I realized that I am considered

an older person to many. A Senior Citizen to some.

Time that used to pass so slow as a child, now seems like

before I realize it, it is late afternoon and another day is gone.

I don't want to waste time sleeping, I want to wake early, get my

Cottage in order and paint or visit.

Time spent sleeping is necessary but sleeping late into the morning

is no longer something I crave like that of a teenager.

Therefore, i find myself waking up at a time in the morning like my Daddy.

At 4:00am before most are up to pray, blog, journal, plan my day.

If I happen to sleep until 6, I feel cheated of a few hours.

I get it now, Daddy. I know you didn't think you would die at 63,

but you knew your time here on Earth had now become less than more.

It's a realization that must come to many and the calendar years may differ,

but we all dying a little more each day so make the best of it.

1 comment:

Brian Mooney said...

Wonderful insight, as always! Thanks so much for sharing!


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