Friday, July 19, 2019

A year today....

One year today we said goodbye to this wonderful woman,
the boo, Stephanie and Royce's Mom.
The grandmother of Carl Jr. Beth and Olivia
Mother in law to Carl Sr. and Amie.
Yet even with all of this, she was so much more.
For me, for about a year i had a Mother figure in my life again.
Loosing my own Mom a long way before burying her, my family
and I had lost our Mom to dementia.
Meeting Mrs. Babara was like having the Mom before dementia
again. It was not a long time, but it was frequent visits as
for months she lived with the boo.
She loved to cook for him and felt it was her duty even though
he rarely ate it. Once she got healed from her knee surgery,
she was itching for her own place and had just found 
a very small house to make her own and that she did.
Last year, when she left for vacation in Florida, to watch
her grandgirl, Olivia dance competition, we just never thought
that would be the last time we would have her at her home.
After a month of questions, hospital stays, illness she succumbed
to her illness and left us all for the next realm of this game
we call life. 
I did not expect to fall in love with her so soon.
I guess I really wanted a Mother figure in my life at the time.
She had a life, she had great friends, loved Scrabble and 
the casino. She love cooking for us, she loved her cat,
Bonnie and she loved us, all of us, her family, her friends,
and the girlfriend of her oldest son.
I miss her, I know we all do, she lets us know sometimes she is still
around. Just like this morning. 
I am now the proud owner of her cat, Bonnie.
I love this weird cat, she is a private one but likes me 
and will run for the shake of the treat box or to sleep on
my overnight bag I use at the Boo's. I often wonder
if she can smell something of the family lineage of the woman
who took care for her as a little baby.
But this morning, it was different. On my coffee table where I sit
each morning, lies a glass resin heart with a swirl of a few
ashes from The Boo's mom, Mrs. Barbara.
He honored me with this gift as he knows I loved her
full heartedly. This morning, this heavy piece is still on its table,
but bonnie is laying on the coffee table wrapped around this resin heat.
It is the first time she does that and it reminded me that today
is the anniversary of Mrs. Barbara's death.
No matter what the cause was, it caught me for a loop.
It's like I said, she is always make us be known.
It is not the same, as she gave great hugs, cooked
awesome foods, gave to so many.
A year ago, I said,
"She will be missed"
This year I say,
We feel that lost more severely than we thought possible.
Keep us straight, Mrs. Barb, Randy and I speak to you often
but we say, IF you answer, we will freak.
Love you dear one, and thanks to your family for accepting me
with no questions asked. I am fortunate for the year I had
with a Mother figure at a time, I really needed it.
Love to you.

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