Monday, January 7, 2019


Over the Christmas holidays, I was fortunate to meet a 
new friend. As we get older it becomes harder to find a 
true friend right away who you know would do almost 
anything for you. After Christmas, we had lunch together
and he told me one of the most beautiful love stories.
I am writing with his permission but leaving names out.
He is a widower, having lost his wife two years ago.
He tells the story of how lost and depressed he was at the
beginning of the loss. Yet as time went on, he found his days
getting a little easier, until a birthday or an anniversary came along.
After over a year he ran into another old friend who also had
become a widower as a young woman with children.
By this time she was remarried and he had a very
important question to ask her.
"When does the feeling like you are cheating on your spouse go away?"
This seemed to have been weighing on his heart as
he was trying to move on.
She shared some very good advice, the biggest part
of it was this, she pointed to the wedding ring he still wore
and said, "... and you need to pick up your wedding ring,
take it off, kiss it and put it away."
He listened to all her advice and told her how he felt about
it all and said, "But I am not going to stop wearing my wedding ring."
A few days later, working at his homestead, he was bit
by ants on that hand that caused his ring finger to swell quite a bit.
He took the wedding ring off so that it would not get stuck with
every intention to put it back on once his bites healed
He speaks of a few times trying to put the sacred ring back on and
the finger remained too swollen to get the ring on.
He took this as a sign from his wife, kind of telling him,
giving him permission to move on.
He remembered another word of advice his friend had given him
"Your wife, she would not want you to be alone as you age,
to waste the years you have left alone."
As the ring continued not to fit, these thoughts crossed his 
mind and heart. So, after days, he took his friends advice,
kissed the ring
and as he put it in his jewelry box he spoke
to his dear wife, "This must be your sign that its time to move on"
He never wore it again and the guilt feeling he felt when 
speaking to his friend seemed to be gone.
What a beautiful story of marriage, selflessness and a wife
helping her husband overcome his grief.
I often say, Sometimes The Big Man does for us, what we don't
have to courage to do for ourselves. this beautiful story is one
of those examples. 
Thank you friend for sharing such a special story and allowing me
to share it here for others to read, experience.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sometimes you make a difference when you are not even aware.

Yesterday was a day with the besties and Lindsey, a bestie baby.
We had a great long and leisurely lunch at Grady V in Thibodaux.
Many may have complained with our wait of 3 hours
but we had a lot to catch up on.
Yet this is not my blog....
I had to go to Best Buy to return something.
Since I was close to Houma I decided to return there.
I am at Customer service explaining I didn't have
a receipt when the beautiful black girl 
was staring at me.
"I know you, you were MY school nurse"
The way she said MY was like even though I have 1200 
children under my care, she felt like I was hers.
Ashley her name says and I look in her face for the
little one and I do think I remember her but she remembers lots.
"Nurse Lilly, I used to love going to your office. I have
outgrown my asthma"
I am more surprised of how this young girl has become
a beautiful adult, who has come so far from that little girl.
I asked if she did have a sister, she says excitedly. "Yes"
She goes on to say her sister now lives in Idaho and
the grandmother she lived with has now passed.
I asked her how did she know it was me.
"Your voice and your face, I will never forget you because
no matter what, you were always kind and you had
those special peppermints you gave us."
I am just tickled about how much she remembers,
"I wish I could go back there, I loved it there at TES"
It makes my heart happy to see her all grown up, with 
a job, looking healthy and a beautiful young woman.
She was one of those children I worried about,
raised by a grandmother who basically took care of herself
and her sister. The fact that I made some type of difference
in her life and left her with good memories proves
one of a statement I use often,
"It takes a Village to raise a child"

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Every year I try and pick a word as "my word"
for the year. Because I am a big Intagramer,
I like using hash tag, 
#365daysof..... and whatever my word is.
I don't post everyday but I try not to miss many days.
Last year my word was gratefulness.
Looking back on my posts of 2019,
I am pleased with those that I did post.
Being a journaler as well, I am trying to write something
daily. So, you may be wondering, 
"What is the word?"
Because there are so many things to be appreciative of.
I am not so much a New Years Resolution person,
I do think of things that I would like to change for the better.
I won't bore you with those but they are positive changes.
Hopefully I get past the first week that most resolutions make 
in the new year.
Pick yourself a word, let yourself focus on that word
and maybe write down something each day on that word.
Just a little challenge on this day 3rd of 2019! 


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