Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I bought a refrigerator the other day...
It’s avocado green, cost 22dollars and...
Is 6 inches high.
You can’t store many groceries in it but it is 
Jam-packed with memories!
Yes, it is one I found when Tiffy and I were at the 
Pink Elephant I spotted it and immediately the memories 
Came flooding back. It is the piece that began my love for miniatures. 
I have thought of this piece many times and the rest of the kitchen set
That went with it so you can imagine my excitement over it.
Back in my early years of schooling, when I finally returned
In mid first grade, it was customary at Christmas time
For your parents to send a Small gift to school for the school
Xmas party, Santa would distribute those gifts. 
I remember unwrapping the sweet fridge and thinking 
I had the best gift of all the other children. 
I was not the only one who must have believed this
 as lots of my friends wanted to play with it.
I was not a selfish or mean child but that day I wanted my 
Possession to be only mine. I did not take it out the packaging until I got home. 
It may have had other pieces to it, but I only remember opening it up
And admiring the tiny ice trays and the glass looking ice cubes in it!
From that day one, everything little would infatuate me. 
And that same year, on Christmas morning was the
Sink, stove and dish washer to match!
One of my best gifts of all time. 
A long introduction to the fact that I love miniatures and I adore toys. 
All over my cottage I have mini reproductions of life sized things. 
.I have enough furniture to fill a few dollhouses and even built dollhouses for a while. Matter of fact, one of my reasons for completing my shop was so that I and the
 grandgirls can build a dollhouse together. 
 Friend, Connie, asked me the other day to post pics of my collection
And I had to tell her it is vast and all over my Cottage. 
Soon I will post pics. 
So now I am where I want to be with this blog...
What will happen to all my collections, mini’s being one of many?
I hope they are preserved, loved and added on to by the next owner. 
I cringe when I think of all my treasures being garage sold 
Or thrown out. I have shared this a few times with
Gypsy baby and she has replied the same way each time,
“Biatch, when you die, I’m just moving in my clothes!”
This always makes me laugh and gives me some peace,
Message of today:
Love something that is inanimate, share that with others.
Don’t let it be “off hands”
in that way your love of these objects carry on
the love you have of your people.

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