Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bravery comes in many forms....

I've this dear friend, Alli Cook.
We always knew each other having been raised in 
the same town of Golden Meadow, all 7 miles of it.
She was a year behind me in school so we didn't know 
each other well. We became good friends when she started
dating one of Ronnie's friends who was our neighbor back in 1984.
We were all so young and spent lots of time together.
Then she got pregnant and asked me to be Godmother.
I take being a God Parent serious, not one who just
gives gifts on holidays. When I accept this, I will be
part of that child's life forever, I will be willing
to pick up the pieces of their parents if, God forbid, died.
So I said yes to her after much thought. 
She miscarried that first sweet baby and
we were both so sad. She was born to be a Mother.
Then just less than a year later she was pregnant again 
and I became the Nannie to her son, Ricky.
Her marriage and my marriage have both ended, 
our friendship has not.
I blog of her today because today, she will undergo 
ANOTHER surgery on her elbow, hopefully last
of many. She is one of the bravest women I know as
she puts forth 100 percent after every surgery
to try and get full or the best function of that elbow
as possible. She battles anesthesia, pain, physical therapy,
machines to stretch atrophied muscles, gives all and more
and yet, it still will not give her the elbow she was born with.
Each surgery she was optimistic that this would be her last.
She tells me last nigh on the phone, this one
truly is her last, she just can't do it again.
As we hang up, I telling her how proud I am of her,
how much I love her and her bravery.
I don't know many people who could undergo so much 
pain and recovery not once, not twice, but ELEVEN TIMES!
So today, I ask all to remember this brave woman in thoughts 
and prayer if that is your thing.
I know she will handle this one in true Alli fashion, believing
God is in control. If you ever wonder what bravery looks like,
I am posting a picture of the one dear friend I know who
is the "BOSS" of it!
That man beside her? her love, her rock her Husband.
He is part of what makes her so brave and strong.
Thanks Bryan for always taking care of my friend
in a manner she deserves.
Last one Alli, I love you!

Thursday, November 23, 2017


"I am not putting up all my xmas stuff"
The holidays are just not what they used to be.
Yet bare with this blog as I lead you to where
so many things led to this....

First Charles Manson died. And I was angry....
I was angry because this mass murderer, the devil
I speak of, finally was off our world and the media
thought this was the best thing to report about.
Over all these years he has gotten way to much 
publicity, and now, even in death, he is the number
one thing people wanted to read about.
I understand this whole paragraph is an
oxymoron as I have given him even more publicity
but it is part of my story.
Then, David Cassidy died and I remembered all those
days after school, that I watched 
and drooled over the legend that became David Cassidy.
Then one more death, the death of a beautiful woman,
one that won't be heard of all over the world
even though she has done more for it than
the two famous people I mentioned.
Pam Alario Gravois died.
No news reports on all she did for so many children
that crossed her path during all her years of teaching.
Unless you are from our little bayou of Lafourche,
the name may not mean much to you,
but to us who grew up around her and her family,
in the prescience of her beautiful life,
her death is more of a loss to our world than the two
I mentioned before. I thought that here was a woman
who has achieved more than Manson or Cassidy,
who gave selflessly, who was beautiful in demeanor,
who I never saw with a ugly word on her tongue.
I thought this is the kind of woman who should be 
showered with news media because of her death.
But it will only be our little community and
the others who know her who will know how big
this loss is.
(Praying her family will forgive me for using her in
my blog without permission)
So, all this is going through my mind yesterday morning
when I am still thinking 
"I will have Bean help me to put my Xmas things
from the shed into the attic and put up one
small tree."
Then something happened, Pam's death was still 
on my heart and my little Bean, helping me
load huge Xmas Totes into the house is so very
excited to open each one to see what is in it.
"Mumsie, this is like Christmas morning because
we don't know what is in these boxes"
I watch her eyes light up as she pulls out each 
new thing that I have saved over the last 30 something years.
JoJo gets wind of it and starts helping unorganize
all my Xmas "Stuff"
I see the magic in their eyes and I once again 
think of Pam whose family is feeling such a loss,
of her little grandchildren who will not sit
with her around a Thanksgiving feast today,
that they will not help her put up her Grandmother Xmas.
I became teary eyed as I see the magic of the season
in my two of three grand girls eyes.
Then it happened, I put a smile on my face and instead
of putting these beautiful treasures in the attic we
begin putting them all over the cottage.
The girls put a small tree with the coolest lights
in their room on their own mantle.
JoJo is so in love with this that she has to lay
in her little bunk to view the lights for a time.
Their excitement becomes contagious with every
new thing they find.
I decide that this is what the holidays are about,
the memories of Mumsie I want to leave in their mind
and hearts. If I am taken from this Earth within this year,
I will not make news like Manson or Cassidy
but I will do those things that will make my loss
felt like the true hero of this story, Pam.
My Grand girls will remember this holiday,
the one Mummies put out every Decoration she had,
for them. The year Mumsie put up three trees, each prettier 
than the last. They will remember that I did not fuss
for anything they touched or any ornament they broke
because, where we go after this World, well we not taking
anything with us. 
I decorate for my girls and I decorate in memory of Pam
and all our other legends of Lafourche lost this year
who will not get the recognition they should.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all, make this the year you
put out all the decor, like I decided to do for the 
memories I want to leave with three little girls
who are my life, my
(Thank you in advance to the Alario/Gravois family for
allowing me to share part of Pam's life)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving words of wisdom

Last night was one of those, 
couldn't sleep, too many thoughts on the brain.
Spent the day with another long term bestie, Tanial
and her sweet grand girl, Roen.
I had Bean and Jo and the three children hit it off
like they had been friends forever.
It was such a great visit, LONG LONG overdue.
They left with promises we will not let so much
time pass again before we see each other.
After Kd picked up Grandgirls I got hooked 
on listening to all the new songs on you tube.
This one hit hard, it says like everything i
would want my grand girls to remember in
a nutshell.
Then I remembered, Thanksgiving wishes don't
get much better than this!
Tim McGraw sings it like a boss,
but this Lori McKenna steals the 
show with her awesome words!

"Humble And Kind"
(written by Lori McKenna)
You know there's a light that glows by the front door
Don't forget the key's under the mat
When childhood stars shine,
Always stay humble and kind

Go to church 'cause your mamma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won't be wasted time
Always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

Don't expect a free ride from no one
Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why:
Bitterness keeps you from flyin'
Always stay humble and kind

Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
"I love you" ain't no pick-up line
So always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

When it's hot, eat a root beer popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind

Don't take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you're going don't forget turn back around
And help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind

Friday, November 17, 2017


There are lots you hear of Private/Catholic school.
Some positive, some negative.
Private school is not a necessity and not right for everyone.
My two of the three grand girls go to
St. John Catholic School.
Bean in first grade,
JOJO in preK 3.
This is the school where KD, their Mom
and most of her family have graduated from as
well as all the cousins who go there now.
Yesterday was book fair day.
I love me a good Scholastic book fair.
I drive up to the school and as I
am walking to the front office, I hear,
"Hi, Ms. Lilly"
Its one of KD's little cousins, now in high school.
Then I head to the office to sign in.
"Morning Mumsie, you don't have to sign in..."
How do they know I am Mumsie?
While heading to the library to wait for Bean's class
it is what I am thinking.
In the library is JOJO's paraprofessional.
"Hey Mumsie, JOJo invited me to come sleep at
your house last week. She told me all about your cat,
your bunk beds that has 'free' (three) beds"
I am beaming as so many know who I am.
The librarian and her helper starts also
telling stories that the grand girls have
shared with those who teach at St. John.
"Oh, we know about the craft you share with he girls,
we know you have a library, a red piano
and a cat name Oliver."
"You don't live in a house, you live in a cottage
just like the three bears and Goldilocks!"
I am feeling very special by now.
Bean and her class enter the library and she and
a few of her classmates come to give 'Mumsie" a hug.
Her teacher, Ms. Jaimie says,
"Hey Mumsie, I know so much about you,
Everything we do, Jilly makes it about Oliver, the cat"
I smile big, my heart overflowing for this little
Bean, her baby sister who sleeps a few doors down
in her PreK class and a school that not only knows
me and all the other family members of the Riera/Guilbeau
clan but everything about us.
I am so proud of Kd and BB for making the
sacrifice to send their little girls to this school.
It is not a cheap sacrifice but I know they work
hard so those girls can have this type of education.
 I realize that this day is one of
many I will be able to share with the grand girls
at this wonderful school  of St. John.
Where everyone knows my name,


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...