Friday, August 11, 2017


On this day, thirty two years ago,
at this time of the morning, I had begun
early labor and knew that this day
would be my first baby's first birthday.
I had awakened at 4 Am knowing this
discomfort was the real thing.
I didn't awaken his Dad, I wanted to be up
and spend a few hours with myself because
after that morning, life as I knew it would be changed.
I was right, of course, but I had no clue just
how much.
I decided it was time for the hospital at about noon
and the Baby boy was born at 3:45pm after
a very quick and easy labor.
On that day, I began wearing my "heart on my sleeve".
He was beautiful and perfect in every way.
It took me days to realize he was ours and
I would get to take him home and keep him.
I was excited and scared at the same time.
Although I had many young nieces and nephews
and knew lots about babies, this one,
I knew would teach me lots and that he did.
He taught me that a sleeping baby is one
you don't mess with.
He taught me that a smile could change
the outlook of a day, a week, a year.
He taught me that I would now view world problem
with him in my mind.
He taught me this and so much more in the span of days.
I remember the day he first smiled at me with 
recognition, a real smile, not one of the gassy ones
of before. 
I was standing at the sink of our mobile home,
holding him and trying to wash a few dishes at the same time.
I probably was humming or singing when I realized
he was staring into my face.
I looked down to see this beautiful child give me
the biggest, toothless, cheesy grin.
My knees became a little week and
I had to sit down at the beauty of it.
On this morning, I can see BB reading this and
rolling his eyes thinking "She is so dramatic"
yet the feelings surrounding that first smile has
carried me through lots.
I am so very proud of this child.
At the young age of 32
he has over 10 years with Chevron,
he and his Kd have a home they planned themselves,
three beautiful little girls who adore them,
a hard working young man who likes doing for others.
He loves hunting fishing, anything in the "outside"
Nothing melts me more than watching him interact
with his little ones, A hands on Dad, makes me proud
to be his Momma.
Happy Birthday, my first born, my only son,
Know that in a world that sometimes seems
unfair or complicated, I always, always
stand in your corner, cheering you on.
"My life, would suck without you in it"

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