Tuesday, August 8, 2017

54????? IT CANNOT BE!

Today, 54 years ago today, I was born....
hard to believe...the body says it is true, the mind, the heart?
Well it has a completely different conception.
WAAYYYYY back on this day in 1963, I was born to
older parents, Freddie Collins, 45 years old and
Minta Collins, 43. Who in the heck has babies at that age?
Yet I was far from their first, the baby of 7 other children,
11 pregnancies. My sister, C was only two years older than me
so its not like I was that big of a surprise,
The surprise to me as an adult, my oldest sister, Simone
Taunt Mone to most, is 24 years older than me.
I was showered and spoiled to the brim with love and
attention. If being born the baby and the last were not enough,
to have found out I had an incurable cancer at 5 
only added to the attention.
I remember lots from those days, probably more
than most 5 year old should.
I must have been a firecracker even way back then
because no incurable cancer could take my life.
Yet, in a way it did.
It took my 5 year old frail, quiet life
and made me a vocal little spitfire full of
quirkiness. Even at a young age as that
I knew I was one of the lucky ones.
Today, still I see people passing and suffering
from the dreaded C and while my heart cries
for them all, I know I was spared for a reason.
I am loud and vocal, opinionated but kind.
I dance in the aisles, sing whether there is music or not.
I was blessed to have two children when I was told there would be
none and put all I had into being their Mom.
I was far from perfect, still am, but every EVERY 
decision I ever made while Mothering them was
with their best interest in my heart.
When I found my 30 year marriage coming to an end
I knew it would not be the end of me.
I mean in no way to say anything negative to my 
ex, he was financially, the one who made it possible
to be the Momma I wanted to be.
We have both found our way to a happier life.
I never thought at 54 I could find my way to be
 a person I like most always.
Yes, the treatment that saved my life back in 1968 
plays havoc on my body, in no way am I bitter as
the ultimatum would have been death.
I am now a person whom I like and love most days.
I am a person who wants and hopes I bring joy to 
those lives I touch. It is my calling, it is why I have beat
the odds given to me so very long ago.
So to all who love me, call me Mom, sister, lover, friend,
Aunt,  Nannie, Mumsie, Lil, I say thank you on this fine
54th birthday
THANK YOU  for allowing me to be part of your lives
and I hope I have made some sort of difference in yours.
Every years since my kiddo's are young and asked me,
"Mommy what do you want for your birthday, xmas, etc..."
The answer has always been a love letter.
There is nothing in this life I need materialistic,
well the lottery would be nice, but that is a separate blog.
I want to know what I am to you in words in speech.
I don't want to hover over my funeral one day and hear the
thoughts and words of those I hold dear to my heart.
I will always want only to know I was important in your life.
Thanks to all who will or have wished me a 
Happy Birthday! 
All are appreciated and as the boo reminded me this morning,
"... all the bday wishes will be from people who
love and appreciate you. None are lagniappe!"
Could not have said it better.
Love to all!!!!

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