Wednesday, January 25, 2017


The old Lady Tub in the Cottage was giving me trouble.
A lifetime warranty had me calling for an appointment.
Yesterday was that day.
Early yesterday am, drives up a cute young man,
small in stature, with an accent that told me, he may not
have started his life in the USA.
At first, I had decided I would not do my normal thing
of having to talk this poor guy to death 
and find all about his life. Was going to just let him do
his work. Yet, as usual, it did not happen this way.
He asked why I had a walk in tub, explained how
I was fortunate to get it, and why I love it.
Told him of my childhood cancer...
then he shared with me the most beautiful story of
finding Christ in the midst of Hell.
With Antoine's permission I share with you, here
a small part of his miracle of Life.
He was born in Cuba, hence, his accent and dark 
complexion. Antoine grew up believing in more
of a "witch doctor" mentality and found himself
at 18 in the United States being the leader of one
of the biggest, dangerous gangs.
He told of the day he was shot and did not go to the
hospital. Instead bought Peroxide and antibiotic cream
and healed himself. He was the leader of a drug ring,
Imprisoned three times. Something happened one day.
He stood in front of another man who meant to kill him.
He knocked him in the head and the blow alone should
have killed him, after that he has no recollection of 
what happened, but he firmly believes that God saved him.
As the knife came to pierce his heart, his hand went
up and protected that main organ and the knife hit
his forearm instead. The doctors said he should have died.
He left his first wife because that was about the time
his life began to change. A few days later she died
of an overdose. Finding himself once again in prison and then
a half way house, off of drugs, another child on the way with 
a new wife, he decided to accept Christ in his life.
His wife was not ready and remains not ready to change
and so, after his time in prison he was able to get custody
of his sweet 14 month old baby boy.
This child is now 7 and the most beautiful child imagined.
He brags of just how special this child is and how much
this child loves God.
Now Antoine may work for Max Home but his true
calling is preaching to those who need it most.
Speaking to others how he was the leader of the most
highest order of gangs and now his main purpose
is changing people like he was, to Christ.
What a day yesterday was.
An amazing young man who finds a way to share his 
story whenever being asked without being overbearing 
or pushy. Good Luck Antoine on all that you shared,
even those things that were too personal for me to 
share here, you let me see your heart yesterday 
and what a beautiful heart it is! 
Amazing how a whole day can change into something 
so special and beautiful!

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