Friday, January 20, 2017

inauguration day!

My first post of my new blog....
I am not quite set up the way I want it,
I was not ready to start it on this day,
but what a better day to start it on this day,
Today our first black President and his wife
go out after 8 years, and another history
as a business man, who, as far as I know,
has never held a political position will be sworn in
as our 45th President.
There is excitement in the air as I watch the inauguration
and there is a lot of negativity on social media.
I will once again, remind readers what my Daddy,
a WWII Veteran, who was wounded in that war
yet never spoke negatively of it nor any President,
taught me and my siblings:
Welcome to the White House Donald Trump 
and your family.
What makes us citizens of US of A
respect the one who holds the position no matter how you 
feel, give respect to the one who runs our 
Country, until this happens we will remain 
a Country divided. 
I like social media, it has given
us answers to things at our fingertips, it has
given us ways to keep in touch with those we love
all over the world. We can voice our opinions,
and yet even with all these wonderful things,
it has made the split of our wonderful Country 
so easy, negativity feeds negativity,
just as positivity feeds positivity.
We have a choice, I choose to be positive on the changes
that will take place in the next 4 years,
I pray that Trump will place people in office that
can carry us to a safe, independent financial place,
where all of us who can be proud to say
Let me add another sentence my Dad and others
I have respected through my life has shared with me

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