Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Handwriting still important

 I received a Christmas card handwritten

And before I looked at the address, I knew whom it was from. 

Not because her signature was signed at the end of a beautiful

  love letter but simply because I had seen that same scripted

Writing for the last 40 years.

I was filled with loving feelings as so many times, this very 

same writing can be found in a yearbook, a scrapbook,

Or in another card I have saved. 

It was from one of my two besties since second grade. 

Which brings me to the reason for this blog.

Many schools are no longer spending much time teaching 

Script writing, something that is almost as unique as our fingerprints.

I can remember,  just as I am sure you can, 

The day your teacher explained we were going to start learning script.

 The excitement for me was there just as when

She told us we could start using ink pens.

As each of my grandgirls began learning it in second grade

The Cottage was a place where they perfected their skills

Almost as though it was an another art form they had learned.

I know the world as a I have known is changing.

I understand that I am considered the “old fashioned”.

Some things, however, are still important and something as

unique as our own personal font is part of our character.

It has always been a source of pride to our elders as many could

not read or write but they learned how to write their signature so as not to 

have to put an X where it said to sign.

Going back to the childhood anticipation of learning script,

anything that gives a child that kind of excitement is a necessity.

I know for me, when I received that card,

I was brought back to many times before when that same

writing gave me comfort just as it did that day.

nothing that brings you that much happiness 

should ever be overlooked or discarded. 

Thanks Bestie for reminding me.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

growing old... not for the light hearted.

You may have heard me say before that age has never bothered

me until my sister died last year at 82.

Today I am 59 and 4 months old.

It's not the altered face I see in the mirror, the one that I don't see in my head.

It's not the thinning hair or the love handles that surround my waist.

Although those are also not fun, I can live with it.

What bothers me most is the transition from the life you have always known

to one where you have to say goodbye to loved ones.

You see friends of your suffering with illness, death of their spouses. 

going to a funeral seems to be the way your family gathers these days.

I find myself, still content in my little Cottage loving my life

but needing my children more for appts. or things I just can't do anymore.

For me, this is the worst, being dependent on my children and daughter in laws.

I find myself, once able to conquer many things at once to 

becoming exhausted by just reading facebook and seeing what 

others are accomplishing.

Most days I just want to wake up, go straight into the studio and paint.

I write less and think more and then feel quilty for not writing because

how will my children and grandgirls know who I really am?

I walk around my Cottage with so many stories being told by the things

that surround me, and wonder what will happen to all my things

when I am gone? I know my children are not interested in the things that are

important to me, I often pray that the grandgirls grow up with the love

of owning things with stories that I have.

Chances are all my collections will be sold to others at an estate sale

as I keep drilling in their head

"Estate sale, not garage sale".

It brings me to a place where I find myself buying less

and allowing anything to be touched. 

So what if it breaks, none of it is coming with me.

Yet not all of growing older is bad.

I have a new found relationship with my children and its good

to know that I will be taken care of no matter how old I become.

My siblings and I have remembered just how important we all are to each other

and make a conscious effort to spend lots of time together.

We all realize that our time together is becoming limited.

Although its been a crazy year health wise, I still have

a desire to spend time at my table drinking coffee with friends 

and just sharing our lives.

When I finish a home portrait, I can't wait for the client to become a friend

as they come to the Cottage to pick up their piece.

I love it when a friend comes to pick up art work from me and we stand

around in the kitchen making small talk.

I am very thankful I have my clear mind, that most days I create something.

I understand that life is a cycle, that it is the next generations turn

to make a difference in this world and I find myself thinking often

" I won't be here to see the repercussions of that generations decisions"

More than ever, I want to believe that their is a God, that Heaven is real

and we all get to be there in the end with time meaning nothing.

However, I do know this, that life does go on after this,

whether it be the Heaven we dream of, a distant planet, reincarnation-

there is something after this.

If you have ever seen the miracle of life or just how fantastic the human body is,

you have to know this was not created by man alone.

Last but not least, I am so very thankful for my three grandgirls.

Even as they are getting older they still love time with Mumsie.

I can just forget the world and play and be a kid again.

To hear one say to her Daddy,

"Thank you God for giving Mumsie such a loving heart"

to hearing another tell me last night,

"I have the very best Mumsie in the World"

Well it makes this almost 60 year old heart burst with love for these children.

I know the time will come when they grow older, when I won't

be as important to them as, it to, is a part of the cycle.

I pray that the memories we make together, the Cottage will

live in their hearts and minds throughout their life.

When they are my age, and they look around them,

they can understand that this is what the Circle of life really means

and they are comforted in knowing that people have done this before them

and all will be right in the World.

Love to you all.

Oh and Happy Birthday Momma! 

Wish you were here and at the same time, I know you are!


 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...